which ssd intel or ocz and few questions

30 Dec 2007
Hi all, i have read a abit about ssds now but still not sure.
im gonna reinstall win7 soon but would like to put onto ssd.

my c: is currently at 45gb being used, i can trim this down by moving games and removing programs i dont actually use!!

my questions are:

which is the better drive to go for?
intel x25-m 80gb http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HD-004-IN

or the ocz vertex 2 50gb http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HD-040-OC&groupid=701&catid=14&subcat=910

ive prob got around £200 to spend.

non hdd related question is if i reinstall win7 do i have to reinstall steam and start my game progress all over again or can i put steam folder to storage and transfer back again once win7 install?

my motherboard is : asus p5q pro
cpu E8400
gpu ati 4850 512mb

any answers or suggestions please

thanks Ali
Go for the Intel - The extra 25GB (after formatting) is very handy, and they feel practically the same to use.
You can cut and paste your steamapps folder, no need to redownload any games. Just install a fresh copy of Steam on the SSD and move the games over. There are some tricks with Symlinks too so you can have some steam games on a different drive, search this forum for "symlink" to find the info.
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thanks for reply, is it worth buyin intel now or waiting for new ones to come out? or is it a case of "will always be waiting for new as alwasys something round the corner"
thanks for reply, is it worth buyin intel now or waiting for new ones to come out? or is it a case of "will always be waiting for new as alwasys something round the corner"

The new intels will be on a 25nm process, and should be cheaper (I estimate 25-30%, so around £130 for an 80GB. It's probably safe to expect SATA 6Gb/s and some sort of background garbage collect feature for RAID arrays (unless they finally figure out how to pass TRIM through their ICH controllers)

They wont be out until the end of the year though, late november/december.
interesting to know, prob will go for the intel for now then and when they realise new ones end of year put this one laptop and buy new for desktop :D
ok so ive ordered the intel x25-m 80gb
thanks guys for replys.
will probably be back in few days with questions on settign up and do's/dont's
i am tempted to order one of these 2.

Take it the latest ones have the firmware that supports trim already installed?

yes these have support for trim.

i will post once have reinstalled and done some tests.

will report back in few days
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