White light 'blinds' film pirates

why would thid not stop digital slr's they still have sensors?

and imagine if this new system goes wrong? They were talking about using laser light

Imagine getting a blast of that in the eyes!
seems a like quite a ham fisted way of doing it, but I guess sometimes the simple solutions are the best :o

It wouldn't work on an SLR cos' most of the time it wouldn't be "retroreflective" - with the mirror down.
Though if the system was very fast, then I guess it could still screw up exposures. Or long exposures.
But most early pirated versions are made with the help of the projectionist if i'm not mistaken?

I don't think many pirates go to a public screening anymore..
Raider said:
But most early pirated versions are made with the help of the projectionist if i'm not mistaken?

I don't think many pirates go to a public screening anymore..

Yeah most would be private screenings or rips from DVD screeners. Certainly the ones that appear before a film is released would be from the screeners.

For cinemas, i think anything they can do to stop piracy is great. As for installing it in landmarks etc, its pretty Big Brother-esque dont you think? There would surely be outcry against it. I cant honestly see it happening.
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