Who are you voting for on Thursday?

18 Dec 2008
Its probably been discussed before but who are you voting for tommorow?

Im going the way of the BNP, and no im not racist before you start, Just think they are the only ones with a chance of getting us out of Europe!

Please discuss
Why is that necessarily such a good thing?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nBi...dercover-with-the-bnp&feature=player_embedded < Interesting video posted in the other thread. I personally shall be in despair if the BNP gain a strong foothold in European politics.

To answer that ive done a fair bit of research on Europe, and in my opinion we would be far better off without it than in it... the shear amount of money we invest as opposed to what we receive is appaling, money I feel would be far better being invested in the NHS, Schools etc and the Military
You see the one thing that saddens me is that most people dont actually take the time to get both sides of the story, the media says "Oooooh the BNP bogeyman is bad, bad I tell thee" and the vast majority of the public swallow it without consideration, Personally im not disputing there past indiscretions as I dont know enough about them but in reading there policies they actually make a lot of sense, a lot more I feel than the other parties
That's fine; surely you can't be shocked at peoples response to a skinhead who votes BNP? I bet this knee jerk response, which I admittedly did too, is a common response for you?

Thats actually a very astute observation, Skinhead is a nickname ive had since school, probably because ive always had a shaven head... saves on wasting money in the barbers and can be done yourself, NW stands for North West, the region I live in.... but sure thanks to those scary little facist cretins who are convinced Hitler was great, we who love shaven heads do take abit of stick
Do you even realise who you're voting for?!

Exposed: ugly face of BNP's leaders

Salford-based BNP candidate in the European elections had set his Facebook status to read "**** go home". Eddy O'Sullivan, 49, wrote: "They are nice people - oh yeah - but can they not be nice people in the ******* Congo or... bongo land or whatever?" O'Sullivan, who also joined an internet group called "**** Islam"

Garry Aronsson, Griffin's running mate for the European parliament in the North West, posts an avatar on his personal web page featuring a Nazi SS death's head alongside the statement, "Speak English Or Die!" Aronsson proclaims on the site: "Every time you change your way of life to make immigrants more comfortable you betray OUR future!" He lists his hobbies as "devising slow and terrible ways of paying back the Guardian-reading ***** who have betrayed the British people into poverty and slavery. I AM NOT JOKING."

...the article continues.

I simply can't comprehend how anyone would want to give such horrible people, as many in the BNP seem to be, any support at all. :confused:

Hmmmmm or so the Guardian claims, in my research ive not seen any evidence of racism in the BNP other than that claimed by the media that somehow I can never seem to substantiate
The thing that saddens me is that you actually support a political who seem to be all for rejecting people based on the colour of their skin.

I never said that there wasnt a racist element in the BNP in the past, however like everything they are capable of reform and ive seen no substantiated evidence to indicate that they have rampant racist sentiments any longer. Im not saying im definitivley correct this is just what I believe from the information I have found and if someone can give me a proven link I will stand corrected
Or so the Guardian claims? The BNP folk don't deny it... O'Sullivan suggested "I also may have had a drink at the time," as if that in some way excuses his comments.

I think those Facebook scribblings are exactly what we should be worried about as they are more natural, haven't been through a PR machine.

Alright fair enough there maybe members of the BNP that do harbour racist sentiments, generally I think to a certain degree everybody does have some racist sentiment, this could be simply considered as stereotyping. I certainly dont consider myself to be racist in anyway shape or form although im sure im guilty of making assumptions based on the colour of ones skin, though these need not be negative, but I can understand why people who are racist would be attracted to the sense of nationalism and patriotism associated with the BNP.

As for some of the claims made by people against the BNP, ive seen no evidence of the "Jew Hating" or "Holocaust denial" retoric and as for brandishing Nationalism as Nazism or even racism itself as Nazism is just blatant stupidity
Think I might go for Plaid Cymru, the lib dems are in power here but they have totally mucked up the city, they have dug up all the roads for over a year so they can have a bendy bus that no one wants etc

Will see tomorrow, if the bnp are running here then will go for them over plaid.

They are contesting every seat so that shouldnt be a problem
Definition of Racismnoun 1 the belief that there are characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to each race. 2 discrimination against or antagonism towards other races.

Ive done no such thing to any extent more than anyone else as ive said, if you are all honest each and everyone of you will admit you have made assumptions simply based on the colour of ones skin, derogatory or otherwise. You cant help it its down to the principal that ideas are self replicating "That chinese guy is great at maths" is a perfect example of what I mean, someone reads it or hears it and a copy is then placed in that persons mind wether you choose to believe it or not is irrelevant its there, and at some point will be at the forefront of your mind in certain situations.

In my opinion the BNP's constitution and its policies are not racist, this of course is open to pure interpretation and I would never want to force my beliefs on anyone who did not agree.

My main reason for supporting the BNP, yes I did vote for them today aswell as a large cross section of family members, friends and aquaintences, is based on the fact that they wish to withdraw from the European Union and to put a stop to unlimited mass imigration. Im not against immigrants, im just against the policies that allow it to go unchecked, im against the welfare system gone mad, where scroungers of any description abuse it... I could go on with these points but ive made my case.

The fact is in surveys done, ive misplaced to link, the general public where asked what they thought of a list of policies but where not told which party's doctrine it was, support was massive... I believe 86% in favour. When told that they belonged to the BNP support dropped substantially.

I voted for the BNP purely based on those policies which in my opinion make sense, as for the financial incentive to encourage immigrants, legal or otherwise, to return to their ancestral homes and the support packages that would be given to the receiving nations is a solid policy that would benefit many and with the massive amounts of funds saved by leaving the European union, £40,000,000.00 a day is it?, would hardly be noticed. Money im sure we would all agree is better in the pockets of those who really need it than in the already bursting personal coffers of the eurocrats, politicians in general and ofcourse big business.
Slightly on a tangent, for a moment... "belief that there are characteristsics, abilities or qualities specific to each race...". Sorry, but is that really racism? Really? For example, I'm the first to admit that black people make white men look sick when it comes to having good rhythm and dancing ability. They seem to have a greater proportion of decent athletes compared to us, too. I also think Asian and white people have their strengths and weaknesses too. Maybe some are cultural rather than intrinsically biological, but they're persistent to that race's culture nonetheless.

On noes I'm a racist... or is that racialist? :rolleyes:

Hate to say it but by that definition your a racist, and thats the Oxford definition of the word. Dont feel to bad though it means we all are! :eek:
Hate to get into the discussion, but surely it is only deemed Racist once it becomes negative.

A misconception im afraid, any belief or assumption based on the colour of ones skin etc both positive and negative is racism. Racism is not a simple issue im afraid, so many people have different beliefs as to what the word actually means as such the overwhelming majority toss it about like a rock in the most innapropriate of ways...
So you tell me why you don't want people who aren't white and British out of the country without stereotyping?

Immigration if done correctly is not a bad thing, sadly in this country it is not done properly, the people I would like to see removed from the country are those that have no legal right to be here, for example, hid in shipping container or lied on there applications for entry. I want to see all scroungers who abuse our health and civil services removed and that as you know has nothing to do with religious beliefs, ethnic background. But why should we pay extortionate amounts of tax for anyone to claim benefits who has no intention of working, those genuinley in a bind and/ or have paid into it are welcome to it.
Why did you vote for the BNP then instead of UKIP? Why should we pay extortionate amounts of tax to accomodate the white people who have no intention of working? Why do only foreigners scrounge? Have you seriously thought any of this through?

Have you? I said scroungers of any description, one could then make a reasonable assumption that it included our indiginous scroungers... UKIP are one of the worst for expenses claims, their top guy is pro-european and claimed over 2 million over six years! Get my vote, I think not!
Personally how anyone can now vote for Labour, Conservatives or Lib dems is totally beyond me, im not suggesting that people vote BNP unless like me they wish to, however how there can be any faith left in mainstream politics is again something that completley eludes me.
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