Definition of Racism • noun 1 the belief that there are characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to each race. 2 discrimination against or antagonism towards other races.
Ive done no such thing to any extent more than anyone else as ive said, if you are all honest each and everyone of you will admit you have made assumptions simply based on the colour of ones skin, derogatory or otherwise. You cant help it its down to the principal that ideas are self replicating "That chinese guy is great at maths" is a perfect example of what I mean, someone reads it or hears it and a copy is then placed in that persons mind wether you choose to believe it or not is irrelevant its there, and at some point will be at the forefront of your mind in certain situations.
In my opinion the BNP's constitution and its policies are not racist, this of course is open to pure interpretation and I would never want to force my beliefs on anyone who did not agree.
My main reason for supporting the BNP, yes I did vote for them today aswell as a large cross section of family members, friends and aquaintences, is based on the fact that they wish to withdraw from the European Union and to put a stop to unlimited mass imigration. Im not against immigrants, im just against the policies that allow it to go unchecked, im against the welfare system gone mad, where scroungers of any description abuse it... I could go on with these points but ive made my case.
The fact is in surveys done, ive misplaced to link, the general public where asked what they thought of a list of policies but where not told which party's doctrine it was, support was massive... I believe 86% in favour. When told that they belonged to the BNP support dropped substantially.
I voted for the BNP purely based on those policies which in my opinion make sense, as for the financial incentive to encourage immigrants, legal or otherwise, to return to their ancestral homes and the support packages that would be given to the receiving nations is a solid policy that would benefit many and with the massive amounts of funds saved by leaving the European union, £40,000,000.00 a day is it?, would hardly be noticed. Money im sure we would all agree is better in the pockets of those who really need it than in the already bursting personal coffers of the eurocrats, politicians in general and ofcourse big business.