Who here has broken their leg ?

23 Dec 2002
Shiny Shanghai
Well I managed to go 32 years without having a single operation until my femur exploded into a gazillion pieces 6 weeks ago.

Now technically I am at the halfway point as they said it takes about 3 months to heal, but I'm just really starting to worry that I'll never walk properly again, and that this massize stabbing pain I have in my hip/bum will never go :(

Who else has stories to recount and to make me feel better about the healing process ?

(bonus points go to the first useless post about how my leg will never heal :p )
I've enever broken anything but I was there when a mate of mine broke his leg while skating. He hated it but go through it, had the cast taken off and within 48 hours broke the other one doing the same thing! :D
Tibia in 3 places, one of which was a 'tibial plateau' fracture, got a few pins and a plate in permanently.
That included some major damage to the knee joint as well.

3 months is not bad for recovery, I was wheelchair bound for 3.5 months and then had to reteach my leg how to walk for a couple of months. I hated that physio.

moral here kids is this... do NOT try and push a volvo out of the way while traveling in the opposite direction on a motorbike :(
My brother broke my hand when I was about 14, after he decided to kick me when I nicked his football. Smashed up all the bones in my hand, was in a cast for weeks.
Git still laughs about it now.
I've broken the Fibia (or the Tibia) at 14/15, the bone below the knee, basically got hit by a Blue Ford escort at Shin height. Took about 10 weeks before the plaster came off and lost a lot of weight over those 2 months. Strange as I was basically bed bound for about 6 weeks.

Also broken my wrist when fall off swinging from a monkey bars when I was 9/10.
My dad broke his on a motor bike and had to have a plate put in.

Got the plate removed 5years ago and plays squash with me now and then so his leg is fine.

Although, sounds like you had a very bad break?

I guess it depends, if your bone is now similar to dust you may struggle, but if it's a few pieces it'll probably be fine.

Lots of other people I know have broken their legs and still play football etc.
Hmmm.... I know it'll heal eventually, and I know I've only been at my physio for 6 weeks, but I do have some low times. :(
I can walk without crutches, but I "hobble" because of this nasty stabbing pain that won't go away (and I can't tell if its in my bone or muscle)

The moral of my story is never try to pick your friend up in a nightclub on a wet floor when stood at a stupid angle after a few pints when they dont' expect it and struggle :rolleyes:


Ouch !!
That looks nasty, that'll never completely heal you know! :D

I did my Tibia in ages ago, one of the most painful things I'd ever experienced. Even beat my dislocated elbow for pain.
Currently recovering from a tib and fib I did 1st week of February. Surgical nail from the knee to the ankle, and bolts in 3 places. No cast. I'm walking about on crutches, putting 80% weight on it. Next consultant appointment is next week when I was hoping he was going to give me the all-clear, but that 3 month estimate has scared me a little. I need to go and earn some money!
In a few years you'll have forgotten all about it, until those cold damp days kick in and all the pain comes back like yesterday :D
Smashed acetabulum(hip socket) here. Was a serious break and I have loads of titanium holding me together. Been 4 months nearly now and it feels almost back to normal. I was scared I'd never recover too, but you will!
Actually when I did it, there was no pain at all.
I was lifting and then suddenly I was on the floor.
"ohhhh, I must have slipped" I thought, while looking appologetically at my friend.
Then I looked down and saw my right leg pointing at 90 degrees to the right.
At which point I distinctly remember having 2 thoughts.

1) Bloody hell.... physio.
2) Wow, legs really DO point in weird angles when they break.

I originally thought it was my knee until the bouncers (all credit to them) picked me up softly and my leg attempted to bend in the middle of the thigh.

Like I said, it didn't hurt when it happened, but I was in a whole world of hurt after the operation :(

Ohhh and the coolest part is, I twisted my leg back into a normal looking position while waiting for the bouncers and that didn't hurt either :D
I was no where near drunk enough to feel no pain so either I'm dead hard, or I have the fastest acting endorphins in the west. :p
That xray looks really nasty, unlucky.

I fractured my tibia, fibia and talus a while back, 2 weeks in hospital, then another 2 months in plaster, then took at least another 3 months to be able to walk mostly normally, and at least another year to be completely fine again. Overall motion is reduced and it's apparently prone to osteo arthritis in the future but right now it's just as good as my other foot for doing martial arts. I'm sure yours'll work out fine in the end, just might take a while.
Moonpie2 said:
Actually when I did it, there was no pain at all.
I was lifting and then suddenly I was on the floor.
"ohhhh, I must have slipped" I thought, while looking appologetically at my friend.
Then I looked down and saw my right leg pointing at 90 degrees to the right.
At which point I distinctly remember having 2 thoughts.

1) Bloody hell.... physio.
2) Wow, legs really DO point in weird angles when they break.

I originally thought it was my knee until the bouncers (all credit to them) picked me up softly and my leg attempted to bend in the middle of the thigh.

Like I said, it didn't hurt when it happened, but I was in a whole world of hurt after the operation :(

Ohhh and the coolest part is, I twisted my leg back into a normal looking position while waiting for the bouncers and that didn't hurt either :D
I was no where near drunk enough to feel no pain so either I'm dead hard, or I have the fastest acting endorphins in the west. :p

Same, the moment when i was hit by the car it didn't hurt, in fact it didn't for a good 10 mins. Then after the initial shock/adrenaline wore off it hurt like a nothing else. It wasn't the break that hurt, it was movement and vibration, and ANY movement or vibration. If I so much as cough or sneeze the vibration will sent down the bones and it'll really hurt. It was so painful the first week I basically did sponge baths and going to the loo took AGES.
broke my ankle tripping up a kerb 2 years ago.

sober which was worse. then was off work for 6 weeks.

worst thing i done was keep the weight off it all the time i was off as still hasnt healed properly. nhs have said sorry nowt all else we can do your own your own.

such nice ppl. its weird cold and damp weather boy does it hurt.
Have'nt broken anything - though i did have torn ligaments a few years back in my ankle, was a forklift truck accident.

Had a lovely purple bruise, massive swelling, could'nt walk for four weeks - was on the road to recovering when my wife (to be at the time) thort she'd be funny and kick my ankle - ever had that feeling where you think your going to pass out because the pain is so bad? :eek:

Two good points were being off work and getting paid for it and the money i saved in petrol cos i could no longer drive ;)
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