Who here owns a Renaultsport?

Best sort of standard filter setup on these is to run with a phase 1 or Espace V6 airbox.

Open cones like that are not great.
I have a JMS Induction kit, which I think used the V6 airbox. I'm pretty sure it decreases performance, but as I only use it on the road I really couldn't give a crap about a few horsepower lost when the sound from it is so awesome :)
Some do increase power marginally, and there are other small improvements in throttle response if you can get the right one. Standard boxes are good, they normally compliment the design of the inlet runners, shortening the length of the intake can effect air velocity etc.
Overall the pick up low down seems better, but honestly in day time i haven't really noticed any difference, the noise certainly makes it feel like you're going quicker. At night time however when the air is considerably colder, the air filter is noticeable better than the stock setup. I want this noticeable increase all the time so i need to make my CAF better :p

Tow sticker increases the aerodynamics by 2 degrees on the front bumper equating to an overall power increase of 17%.
Surely though even the one on alexonfires is going (in the warm anyway) suffer from heatsoak? A couple of metal tubes pushing some cold air towards the air intake isn't going to eradicate the problem IMO. Manufacturers don't spend millions of pounds developing their air intake systems for no reason!

Just to add though it does look good alexonfire! :p
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Manufacture's standard airbox's aren't perfect, they are built to be cheap to produce, have cheap replacement filters and to be as quiet as possible. Next time you park up, open the bonnet and feel how hot the standard box is. I need to make up a heatshield for the left hand side to soak up the heat from the manifold, and run one large CAF instead of two small. It will out perform the standard box then, it will suck in a much larger quantity of colder air than the standard box ever could
Manufacture's standard airbox's aren't perfect, they are built to be cheap to produce, have cheap replacement filters and to be as quiet as possible. Next time you park up, open the bonnet and feel how hot the standard box is. I need to make up a heatshield for the left hand side to soak up the heat from the manifold, and run one large CAF instead of two small. It will out perform the standard box then, it will suck in a much larger quantity of colder air than the standard box ever could

Is it not possible to put the whole cone inside a box as such and run the cold air feed into the box. Similar to the standard plan?
Manufacture's standard airbox's aren't perfect, they are built to be cheap to produce, have cheap replacement filters and to be as quiet as possible. Next time you park up, open the bonnet and feel how hot the standard box is. I need to make up a heatshield for the left hand side to soak up the heat from the manifold, and run one large CAF instead of two small. It will out perform the standard box then, it will suck in a much larger quantity of colder air than the standard box ever could

Have you had it remapped? I'm also guessing you'd need to get a decent remap to really see the difference, seeing as the fuel/air mixture will be different etc.

I'm not convinced and sticking by my guns, having heard induction noise I think it sounds chavvy and crude! :confused:
alexisonfire - let me know if you find anywhere that sells cheap but half decent 21mm swan necks. Been looking for one for a while.

Oh, and davy89, I agree. Loud Clios do sound chavvy, but I still cant resist nailing it everywhere for the noise! :D
Had the other disc off this evening. Seems the current piece is quite handy indeed as she has a family friend who used to be a Renault specialist who know works for Jaguar. Did a top notch job, cleaned everything up etc. Bigger hammer got the disc off with one hit, embarrassing much! I'd also not wound the piston ring in properly as one of the quarters has lines on which has to be at the top back corner.

So the left side was all sorted but then the right side was totally locked after pumping so had him do the other one too. I could have done it myself having watched him do the first but it was getting dark and for the sake of £40 all in the jobs done and I've an extra set of anchors on the back now :)
Instead of starting a new thread:

So started work and instead of something like a Ford Ka or 306(Meridian trim) was thinking a 172, could save up comfortably for it and it great scheme of things a 172 should (in theory) last me 5years while a Ka I'd no doubt get bored and a 306, although been acheivable car I love is really starting to show age these days, event latest phase 3.
So tonight did a mock insurance quote, £1500circa with the admiral group!
23y/o, 0NCB, sp30 4years ago, and post code is a E according to http://www.motorcarinsuranceuk.co.uk/post-code-ratings.php.

Anybody think or know if I could get it cheaper?
Just thought I still had the option has unemployed, is that likely to knock a huge chunk off? Both parents are listed.

Thanks for any advice.
Other wise it may be a Ka till insurance goes down =[
Try giving sky insurance a call, few guys on here use them, including myself. They also offer club membership discount for clio's :D

Im 25, 3NCB, 7 points, recent high value claim (non fault), A postcode, and im paying 1k for a 182.
I'd also not wound the piston ring in properly as one of the quarters has lines on which has to be at the top back corner.

So the left side was all sorted but then the right side was totally locked after pumping so had him do the other one too. I could have done it myself having watched him do the first but it was getting dark and for the sake of £40 all in the jobs done and I've an extra set of anchors on the back now :)

Can you elaborate on this? It isn't something I noticed when doing mine, but they appear to be fine!

On the Insurance side, I just renewed with A-Plan at £620 - 24, 4yr NCB, Recent non-fault claim, 0 points (for now).
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With 0 NCB you will be lucky to get under £1000 anywhere. RS Clios are very expensive to insure. I'm with Bell, 5 years NCB, 24, £770.
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