Who is a crappy player like me and dares to admit it?

10 Jul 2011
OK, so here's the deal: I don't think I'm a very good player. It doesn't really bother me as for now I mainly play single player and this is just some fun, nothing competitive. I usually manage to finish games on normal mode (MW2, Mafia II, Homefront) so I wouldn't say I'm truly awful, just not brilliant, let's say. For example, now I'm stuck on level 4 of Metro 2033. Turns out I didn't have enough ammo saved in the previous rounds to buy a stealth suit or buy a weapon with a silencer, so I'm finding it hard to progress.
Anyone else here who feels they are not great players? I'd like to do some multiplayer at some point but after being slaughtered in BFC2, I think I'll wait until Battlefield 3 to start with a clean sheet and see how we do when the game is new for everyone.
Is there such a thing as a clan or group for non-seasoned players who just want a bit of fun and where there isn't too much competitiveness?
OK, so here's the deal: I don't think I'm a very good player. It doesn't really bother me as for now I mainly play single player and this is just some fun, nothing competitive. I usually manage to finish games on normal mode (MW2, Mafia II, Homefront) so I wouldn't say I'm truly awful, just not brilliant, let's say. For example, now I'm stuck on level 4 of Metro 2033. Turns out I didn't have enough ammo saved in the previous rounds to buy a stealth suit or buy a weapon with a silencer, so I'm finding it hard to progress.
Anyone else here who feels they are not great players? I'd like to do some multiplayer at some point but after being slaughtered in BFC2, I think I'll wait until Battlefield 3 to start with a clean sheet and see how we do when the game is new for everyone.
Is there such a thing as a clan or group for non-seasoned players who just want a bit of fun and where there isn't too much competitiveness?

Pretty much every multiplayer game gets communities/groups/clans who aren't in it for the matches, but just enjoy stacking teams on pub servers. :p
I used to go back and replay scenes trying to do things perfectly. Then I realised that I was just ruining the games for myself and I should just go with the flow. You buy games to entertain yourself so just play it your way.
I wont accept being a bad player, I have to be good at a game to enjoy it.

I sucked at TF2 at first completely, now after 1000 hours of practice I'm pretty decent, just play, play and play some more, you'll get better. Hardware can make a massive difference to your performance in games, especially a decent mouse compared to a £5 lump from dell.
Yup, I'm terrible. I'm probably one of the lowest ranked players on the NM-BFBC2 server. I'll admit it, but aslong as I enjoy myself I don't really care.

Football Manager on the otherhand, I will admit that I'm next to godly on it.

(only joking)
My reactions aren't what they were. I mainly play stuff with enjoyable storylines these days and cant be bothered to run through some set piece 30 times to get it. I only play coop online these days.
im not that good at single player games..but likes to think im good at multiplayer and i am been no1 in clan base back in the early 2000s with clan dta was in a good uk dc clan 120mm and ive played tournaments with combat studios and 21cw
In fps games I'm generally one of the better players on the server if I try, it takes some effort and sometimes I get into a groove of dying constantly.

With rts games I just plain suck, I do ok in dawn of war 2 but that's not even got base building in it.
Il admit that im not so good in BC2 anymore than i once was...im not bragging or anything but i usually played very good in every round,Getting a lot of kills and more importantly doing a lot of teamwork but everytime i join a game now i feel.....meh,I think its just got too boring now its all the same.

Hopefully BF3 will get me intrested again.
Me. I still love games though. Just not good at any of them, except maybe sports games.

Can we have an OcUK CSS noob night?

Allow others to spectate for a giggle.
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I'm really crap at Multiplayer. So I just don't tend to play it much. Plus playing against other humans over the internet generally just tarnishes my already low opinion of the general public. :p
Fine with MMo's Played in a lot of top guilds and often topped the meters buts fps's im very average . I camp to much and tend to use cheap tactics more than skill (no cg though) . im fine in single player fps though . I am old though so i will use that as an exscuse . Think my bc2 k/d is 0.86 and most kills with nades/40mm :P
i'm pretty good at most games, not proper shooters though, CS:S or anything like that, i avoid like the plague, not a huge fan of multiplayers, i don't usually play well with others and i hate loosing but i do do some online racing ( need for speed, trackmania, etc etc )
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