Who is looking forward to GTA V

haha, been there, done that, i feel like technology is there to serve us, not for us to serve them these days. (there are people who are paid for that) Especially things like games, just want to play the damn thing.

...wait until you go the whole hog and get a Mac lol

I picked up a iPhone 6 plus recently ;D and am saving for a Macbook pro ( laptop because of work ) the phone simply works

Not that I have anything against any platform but the ps4 and apple products seem to just work and I like that about them.
This is looking great. Not sold on 1st person so far, but I think when I play I'll be much happier. I'm also happy it's 1080p/30fps on both consoles (only playing at 720p anyway but future proofing!).

I've decided Call Of Duty:AW is getting sold in anticipation for this!
The first person view looks incredibly half arsed to me...

My thoughts although not as bad.

The animations look very clunky at this stage, and to be honest while it's a nice feature and I'm sure it'll have its place and fans, third person is the way to go for me in GTA.
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