Who said RX-7s were fast?

I think the guy in the RX7 was asleep, even when he launched he was he wasnt really gunning it and a 15.3s is terrible. Fair play to Corsa though, that was shifting. 12.7s with a terminal of 114mph shows its got some proper grunt not just lightweight. :eek:
there is something wrong with either the mazda or the driver. 15.3.......that is standard for most hot hatches. but 12.7 for the corsa is pretty sweet!! Loving the Q car action.
Listen to the audio. The RX-7 is a N/A automatic. And it's also bone stock.

There was no "bumble bee in an empty coffee can" sound from the exhaust, there was no turbo whine, which is rather loud on those, and also you can hear it shift at an INCREDIBLY low RPM, which is indicative of an autobox with a slightly misadjusted downshift linkage. Also his front end never dips, also indicative of an autobox.....

Either that or the RX-7 driver was just WAY too careful with his baby.
Mickey_D said:
Listen to the audio. The RX-7 is a N/A automatic. And it's also bone stock.

There was no "bumble bee in an empty coffee can" sound from the exhaust, there was no turbo whine, which is rather loud on those, and also you can hear it shift at an INCREDIBLY low RPM, which is indicative of an autobox with a slightly misadjusted downshift linkage. Also his front end never dips, also indicative of an autobox.....

Either that or the RX-7 driver was just WAY too careful with his baby.

I wouldn't rule this out - however that corsa is pretty well setup and very rapid.
Not sure who I'm more upset with, somone spending vast amounts of time and effort (and probibly money) on a corsa or the RX-& driver for driving like a nun.
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