Who still has a Floppy Drive in there system........still???

1 Mar 2010
Just a thread, to pass the times,

I was just looking at my mate old computers and saw a floppy drive, which made me laugh, i have not used one for many years... how many of you still have a floppy drive hookup on your system?? which off course include LS 120 also
last time I used a floppy was for a RAID controller driver installation during WinXP installation, about 5-6years ago.

wow i do like the invention there, damn i bet no one on here has an 5.25 floppy drive laying around, i just saw this

I still put a floppy drive into my PC, hardly ever (never) use it. But it is a useful last ditch contingency (boot sector flash).
Any decent modern BIOS will let you boot from +most+ USB flash drives, tho I do have occasional problems with some of them.

So no floppy here.
eerrm, i still have one installed, don't know why to be honest as i don't have any floppy disks:confused:

plus don't have a bay cover to fill the whole, is that a good enough excuse?:D
The machine I had before the current one, about 6 years ago came without a floppy drive. I was so surprised after using them for so long that I put one in. I never used it once and took it out after a couple of years. Never even thought about using one since.
I have an old Windows 98 machine that has one, and an old Windows XP computer which I've had since January 2003. But no, I don't have a floppy drive in my main computer.
My Dell D610 laptop dual boots MSDos5 and Windows XP. I have a floppy drive or a CD drive in the bay depending what I am using.
Dumped the floppy disk drive ages ago. Built a new rig back in 2006 /7 and didn't install a floppy disk, BIOS allowed my to emulate a floppy using a USB pen drive to enable Windows XP to install the onboard RAID drivers.

Used some floppy drives at work until about a year ago. Was mostly for ghosting off older machines, now long gone..!!

i wonder when CD /DVD rom drives will be no longer needed for PC's... Digital media via USB or download is how I get most of the stuff onto my rig nowadays.

I got a blu ray drive for my PC to watch blu ray movies but not all that often....
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