Who with P35 get X38 on release?

I think only those which always have to have the best what ever the cost will upgrade.

Generaly the P35s seem to be able to push the C2ds to their limits i think.

Although those that want sli may get the new boards to.
I held off getting the P35 going to wait for the X38 but i will be buying as soon as they are released, currently still on my P965 Abit board which im happy with for now.
<maddness> said:
will give me an excuse to upgrade ;)

what about you?

although the new abit p35 looks / performs good

I will I think, but I may get the DDR2 variants or possibly one that supports both DDR 2 and DDR3.

Just hope they don't turn out to be like the 975 though as the 965 was the better mobo for overclocking.
I heard that the mobos that support DDR2 and DDR3 dont really excell at either and the option of both is a waste of time because you wont need DDR3 for ages. Besides. DDR3 currently is not much faster then the top DDR2 due to such high timings.
8igdave said:
I heard that the mobos that support DDR2 and DDR3 dont really excell at either and the option of both is a waste of time because you wont need DDR3 for ages. Besides. DDR3 currently is not much faster then the top DDR2 due to such high timings.

I've seen this mentioned a couple of times, and the experience from crossover boards lik ethe ASRock ones that run DDR and DDR2 always seem to involve a big compromise.

Obviously I will get at least one X38 board, but I reckon I'll wait 4-6 weeks until the prices have settled down a bit.
I'll wait til I'm buying a Penryn before deciding. My P35 is currently more than enough for my CPU.
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