Why are my explorer panes behaving as if they contain music/media files?

1 Aug 2003
Gah, this is driving me nuts!

When I open up an explorer pane (xp) and select views/details the details I'm shown are always as if the contents are music/media? ie I'm given sorting options like 'Artist' and 'Album Title' This means of course that I can't sort by the usual options such as date modified.

Can anyone tell me whats gone wrong here and how I can reset this!? Every folder/sub directory is behaving like this!
Right click the columbs. This will bring up a list of the avaliable fields. Simply select/unselect the ones you want to show. Im not sure if this will work for every folder or just the one that you are viewing. Worth a try tho :)
Go to any folder (choose something like Program files, not pictures or music folder).. set it up visualy exactly how you like.. with columes and stuff.. then go

Tools > Folder Options > View > and press "Apply to all folders" then it should make all folders which arnt set as music or picture folders look like that (might need to rinse and repeat for each drive)

If you do ever find a folder that for no appearent reason reverts to picture/music folder settings just go and right clikc it > properties > customise and choose documents from the top of the drop down list

hope this helps :)


allllec said:
Tools > Folder Options > View > and press "Apply to all folders" then it should make all folders which arnt set as music or picture folders look like that (might need to rinse and repeat for each drive)

Thought there was something like that :p
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