My partner is a gamer, more so than me! And she gets stick from time to time simply for being a girl... She often fears making it public that she is a girl in games like GW2 or what have you. Simply as it can be a bit odd.
She has one guy who creates new FB accounts just to stalk her and message her (if I ever get hold of the little ****, keeps threatening to top him self if she doesn't respond. Wish he would just do it already). However, on the flip side are attention whores who use the industry to their advantage. Such as streaming.
My partner wants to stream playing LoL as she enjoys the game and finds having someone to talk to/narrate her gameplay too is fun, as do I. Hence we watch each other play games. But the sad truth is, even though she is creepily good at LoL, it won't matter unless she gets her boobs out on cam in a tight tshirt. Not going to happen.
Basically, nerds are creepy and obsess over 'gaming chicks' simply because they see a bit of bust or a tonne of makeup on a chick. Poor lads wouldn't know what hit them if they stepped out side to a bar these days.
Also, nothing makes me laugh more than my partner in LoL screaming over "WARD YOU STUPID PLEB!!!", followed by a quivering reply, "uhh, you're a girl?".