Why are we getting such bad ports?

16 Nov 2008
West Midlands
Are developers that lazy they cannot take the time to get the game running smooth and crisp on the pc? BC2 is such a bad port. Such high amounts of mouse lag and choppy fps even when they are over 60. COD BO seems to be the same. Very choppy game does not want run smooth even with high fps. a number of my games like batman arkham get the odd fps stutters. I just dont see the point in upgrading anymore when now it seems we get the left overs.
Hmmm can of worms.. But he is kinda right, it is getting a bit lazy.

Star Wars the force unleashed II is such a bad console port that anyone using v sync in ATI or NV control panel or using D3D overrider to force v sync once the game is launched the cut scenes are all choppy and stutter. Remove all v sync options, problem goes away. Game has no ingame v sync options and it becomes a screen tear feast...

Only way users have been able to get this game running without screen tear has been to use a fps limiter - limits the fps to 30fps then no screen tear and no choppy cut scenes..

F1 2010 is another game that isn't very well optimised for PC GPU. It should run at 60fps or more, but due to a recent patch, the track info has been incorrectly loaded and now with a forced fix to load the track info to the GPU its ruined the fps. Mixed up core assignments and all sorts with F1 2010.. goes deeper then this, I don't know enough to comment anymore..

Like I said.. This is a can of worms...
Are developers that lazy they cannot take the time to get the game running smooth and crisp on the pc? BC2 is such a bad port. Such high amounts of mouse lag and choppy fps even when they are over 60. COD BO seems to be the same. Very choppy game does not want run smooth even with high fps. a number of my games like batman arkham get the odd fps stutters. I just dont see the point in upgrading anymore when now it seems we get the left overs.
I imagine they want to make the highest profit for the least investment... It's a shame you cannot return games for a refund that are poor...
I imagine they want to make the highest profit for the least investment... It's a shame you cannot return games for a refund that are poor...

Thats why i dont upgrade at the moment. As a gamer i feel second best. I dont want a console. I love my pc gaming. I just wish they would do something about it.
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Its a bad port mate. its all over the place. any pc game which comes with bad mouse lag is a bad port in my eyes. Mouse is a basic control that they should get right out of the box.

There is something seriously wrong with your compatibility/pc with this specific game, it runs flawless for me. So in my eyes, no it's not a bad port.
Despite being a person who hates a lot of consoles ports myself, BC2 isn't one of them.

Unless the latest patch changed something of course, but the mouse hasn't been "laggy" for me.
There is something seriously wrong with your compatibility/pc with this specific game, it runs flawless for me. So in my eyes, no it's not a bad port.

Despite being a person who hates a lot of consoles ports myself, BC2 isn't one of them.

It suffers from mouse lag though. Most fps games do now as they are ported. Lots of people have had to apply the mouse lag fix for BC2. Which still doesnt eliminate all mouse lag.
It suffers from mouse lag though. Most fps games do now as they are ported. Lots of people have had to apply the mouse lag fix for BC2. Which still doesnt eliminate all mouse lag.

You have mouse lag, I don't.
The fact you're having this many problems may suggest something else though?
i and a lot people do. Look on he forums and you will see. Its a well know issue with BC2. Maybe you dont notice it.

I was fully expecting you'd say I don't notice it.
I've played PC games for over half my life and I've encountered enough games with crappy mouse controls, for me this isn't one of them.

It's a bug, rather than a game feature.
Thats why i dont upgrade at the moment. As a gamer i feel second best. I dont want a console. I love my pc gaming. I just wish they would do something about it.
I've stopped buy so many games these days, in fact apart from a few games on Steam the only game I bought this year SC2, which I feel was well worth £30.

Maybe if devs see that poor/rushed ports don't sell well then maybe they will put some effort in, but many devs seem to think piracy is to blame for low sales, as opposed to a bad product...
I was fully expecting you'd say I don't notice it.
I've played PC games for over half my life and I've encountered enough games with crappy mouse controls, for me this isn't one of them.

It's a bug, rather than a game feature.

Ok fair enough like i said i have had issue with the game like tons of people. Maybe it is certain hardware. But most of my games run fine its a select few that me and a lot people get problems with.
absolutley flys round on mine no lie plays as smooth as cod 4 . other people are lagging but this game if set right runs sweet as a nut .i would look at your settings or internet connection.

as for game makers yes they are getting lazy.
absolutley flys round on mine no lie plays as smooth as cod 4 . other people are lagging but this game if set right runs sweet as a nut .i would look at your settings or internet connection.

as for game makers yes they are getting lazy.

Ive tweaked my settings on it to run good mate thats the thing. Most eye candy is off. Can monitors with high input cause mouse lag?
Why ports?

Because the Console market is where the money is.

Why bad ports?

Because the main consoles (wii, ps, xbox) = 3 discreet hardware sets. PC = infinite hardware sets. PC market = enthusiast market = they will buy it anyway.

Its kind of an ironic cycle, success on the PC platform means assimilation onto the console domain, which means crippling death on the PC platform.

So, if you play a game on the PC and its the best thing ever, keep it a secret ;)
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Ive tweaked my settings on it to run good mate thats the thing. Most eye candy is off. Can monitors with high input cause mouse lag?

k you changed fps ?
you changed maxpackets ?
changed fov ?
have you got aa on
have you got shadows on ?
have you got v snyc enabled ? (most common problem in cod )
what res you play at ?
what you ping on local servers ?
you have a ati 4870x2 which are notourious for lag micro stutter aswell this might not be the case with yours but they are infamous for it.

these are a few to change theyre are lots more
k you changed fps ?
you changed maxpackets ?
changed fov ?
have you got aa on
have you got shadows on ?
have you got v snyc enabled ? (most common problem in cod )
what res you play at ?
what you ping on local servers ?
you have a ati 4870x2 which are notourious for lag micro stutter aswell this might not be the case with yours but they are infamous for it.

these are a few to change theyre are lots more

Ye all that is off. Some games run ok though. MWF2 runs good. Thing is i have to drop aload of eye candy. I though my 4870x2 could handle it. Thing is i get good fps with maxed out settings but game becomes more choppy and tears more despite the fps being comfy. Cod BO is all low and im stilling getting laggy mouse. That may be lag though. Do the new nvidia cards and ati cards suffer with microstutter or have they ironed it out?
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