Why did it have to end so soon :(

18 Jan 2007
Land of the Scots
Just got Gears Of War the other day, played the whole campaign through on co-op with my mate over x-box live.

Firstly I would have to say I cant imagine playing it solo, so much fun playing it through with two people and getting your tactics right. Secondly, the graphics amazed me, I was contantly sat there saying "omg the graphics are immense" which is great I loved this game.

But I think the problem I had and that a lot of people had is that the game seemed way to short. Especially the last 2 chapters, they didnt last long at all :(

Anyone know if they plan on bringing out more chapters? And is it really worth playing through again on harder difficulty?
Skyfall said:
Just got Gears Of War the other day, played the whole campaign through on co-op with my mate over x-box live.

Firstly I would have to say I cant imagine playing it solo, so much fun playing it through with two people and getting your tactics right. Secondly, the graphics amazed me, I was contantly sat there saying "omg the graphics are immense" which is great I loved this game.

But I think the problem I had and that a lot of people had is that the game seemed way to short. Especially the last 2 chapters, they didnt last long at all :(

Anyone know if they plan on bringing out more chapters? And is it really worth playing through again on harder difficulty?

Insane is the way. It's tough but not impossible if you know what I mean. I came back to it after a few months to redo it on Insane and thoroughly enjoyed it; it felt fresh again.

C'mon are you a man or a mouse ;) *throws gauntlet ;)
Will_3rd said:
should have spread it over a longer period of time, the you wouldn't have finished it so quickly ;)
Would have finished it earlier if my mate hadnt had arguments with his GF...

But its addictive, I couldnt put it down and say "no more till tomorrow" until I was too tired to go on, and theres no way i could only play X hours a day.

Regardless of how long it lasted I still had a LOT of fun playing the campaign, I think probably I'll play it through on the harder difficulty with my mate hosting it instead of me and get the opposite routes where you get the choice.

Whats the extra content on xbox live? are they worth purchasing?

ScarySquirrel said:
I was glad it was short as I found it extremely boring and repetetive.
I can imagine I may have done if I was playing it solo... Did you try co-op? If not I definitley recommend it.
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It would take literally years to use blue-ray to its maximum capacity for gaming, literally.

The 360 has some great compression techniques and the small format encouranges developers to designer better gaming engines, rather than bloat games out with textures and polygons.
Skyfall said:
But I think the problem I had and that a lot of people had is that the game seemed way to short. Especially the last 2 chapters, they didnt last long at all :(

Anyone know if they plan on bringing out more chapters? And is it really worth playing through again on harder difficulty?

IIRC GOW is a trilogy and this was just the first installment.
ScarySquirrel said:
No to be fair I didn't. I would give it a go but I think ill be trading it in this Friday.
I guess it wont be as much fun as you've already played it through :( And a good thing is that its got a good trade-in value :)

I see they are releasing a new gametype soon called annex... Sounds good :)

Is there a reward for getting x amount of cog tags, obviously my second run through i'd like to collect all of these. One thing aboug co-op is you dont hare the cog tag count, so either of you can only have half or one has them all =/
Like all game some people won't 'get' it, but I for one loved GoW..

Single player is good, Co-op is brilliant, MP is good as well, it's not your normal MP 40 player map stuff, it's small team close quarter combat...
Skyfall said:
Is there a reward for getting x amount of cog tags, obviously my second run through i'd like to collect all of these. One thing aboug co-op is you dont hare the cog tag count, so either of you can only have half or one has them all =/
Works differently in Co-Op. If you already have the cog-tag it won't show for you in Co-Op mode, but it will show for your partner if he doesn't have it.

Likewise if neither of you have it and one of you picks it up then you both get the cog-tag.
id rather me ps3 save its cpu+gpu power not having to decompress textures etc :).

If they were filling up dvds with ps2+xbox games its idiotic to think it wont limit 360s games.
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