Just wondering on people's reasons for choosing which consoles they did, I dont want to hear xbox is better because xxx or ps3 is crap because xxx... Just why YOU decided to choose which console(s) you bought, personal opinions, not "i'm right you're wrong" etc 
Looking at it objectivley, I already have a good PC and setup for games on that, I have a 32" HDTV so I wanted to take advantage of that, and I'm in no massive need of a console fix, so I dont want to buy all 3 consoles, most likely 2 of them would never get played and other casually, so i'm looking for something to supplement my PC play.
Whilst I think that the WII is one of the best and innovative things to be released in a long time its no the console for me, lack of 720p/1080i/1080p output and lack of any titles which really appeal to me. Wii sports and friends are fun, but the novelty fades.
PS3, not for me at the moment, not going to be paying £20 - £30 for blu-ray movies, i barely buy new dvds and they're even cheaper. Also i'd prefer to make a more informed decision on which HD format to go with a little later on in the game. Secondly other than the blu-ray drive and a little extra horsepower it doesnt really offer anything for me above the 360, dont need wireless, tv is right next to my net. Also the PS3 is bloody huuge and ugly. If I could buy the PS3 without blu-ray for the price of a 360 I'd consider it.
The 360 however, I've liked the look of it since I saw the original shots of it, it looks sleek and the controlers are really nice to hold. Secondly the online play is a lot more developed than the PS3s and even though you have to pay for it £40 a *ahem* year is nothing. One of the main things... HALO 3
I loved halo, halo 2 got so much out of the xbox hardware and whilst the story doesnt seem as epic as the original it was still a lot of fun to play. Obviously as I made in my other points we have HD output
Finally a lot of my friends already have 360s so I get to play online with them <3
I've only had the 360 for a day... But I still think it has a lot more potential

Looking at it objectivley, I already have a good PC and setup for games on that, I have a 32" HDTV so I wanted to take advantage of that, and I'm in no massive need of a console fix, so I dont want to buy all 3 consoles, most likely 2 of them would never get played and other casually, so i'm looking for something to supplement my PC play.
Whilst I think that the WII is one of the best and innovative things to be released in a long time its no the console for me, lack of 720p/1080i/1080p output and lack of any titles which really appeal to me. Wii sports and friends are fun, but the novelty fades.
PS3, not for me at the moment, not going to be paying £20 - £30 for blu-ray movies, i barely buy new dvds and they're even cheaper. Also i'd prefer to make a more informed decision on which HD format to go with a little later on in the game. Secondly other than the blu-ray drive and a little extra horsepower it doesnt really offer anything for me above the 360, dont need wireless, tv is right next to my net. Also the PS3 is bloody huuge and ugly. If I could buy the PS3 without blu-ray for the price of a 360 I'd consider it.
The 360 however, I've liked the look of it since I saw the original shots of it, it looks sleek and the controlers are really nice to hold. Secondly the online play is a lot more developed than the PS3s and even though you have to pay for it £40 a *ahem* year is nothing. One of the main things... HALO 3

I've only had the 360 for a day... But I still think it has a lot more potential

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