Why did you plump for 360/ps3/wii (or all)

18 Jan 2007
Land of the Scots
Just wondering on people's reasons for choosing which consoles they did, I dont want to hear xbox is better because xxx or ps3 is crap because xxx... Just why YOU decided to choose which console(s) you bought, personal opinions, not "i'm right you're wrong" etc :)

Looking at it objectivley, I already have a good PC and setup for games on that, I have a 32" HDTV so I wanted to take advantage of that, and I'm in no massive need of a console fix, so I dont want to buy all 3 consoles, most likely 2 of them would never get played and other casually, so i'm looking for something to supplement my PC play.

Whilst I think that the WII is one of the best and innovative things to be released in a long time its no the console for me, lack of 720p/1080i/1080p output and lack of any titles which really appeal to me. Wii sports and friends are fun, but the novelty fades.

PS3, not for me at the moment, not going to be paying £20 - £30 for blu-ray movies, i barely buy new dvds and they're even cheaper. Also i'd prefer to make a more informed decision on which HD format to go with a little later on in the game. Secondly other than the blu-ray drive and a little extra horsepower it doesnt really offer anything for me above the 360, dont need wireless, tv is right next to my net. Also the PS3 is bloody huuge and ugly. If I could buy the PS3 without blu-ray for the price of a 360 I'd consider it.

The 360 however, I've liked the look of it since I saw the original shots of it, it looks sleek and the controlers are really nice to hold. Secondly the online play is a lot more developed than the PS3s and even though you have to pay for it £40 a *ahem* year is nothing. One of the main things... HALO 3 :D I loved halo, halo 2 got so much out of the xbox hardware and whilst the story doesnt seem as epic as the original it was still a lot of fun to play. Obviously as I made in my other points we have HD output :D Finally a lot of my friends already have 360s so I get to play online with them <3

I've only had the 360 for a day... But I still think it has a lot more potential :)
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I got them all simply because I could, plus I appreciate gaming on all platforms so I figure having them all is the best way to do so.

If I had to go for one console then it would've been the 360 for me, simply because right now it has more of the games that I like to play.

With that said I'm far from a hardcore gamer - haven't really had much time to play games recently and I'm going to have less time over the coming weeks due to my job but when I do try to game I like to just grab whatever I feel like, regardless of platform ;)
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I bought the 360 because it was the first "next gen" console by a long shot, no other reason. If the PS3 had been out first I'd have gone for that.
got my 360 before the others came out

the reason was the quality of games on offer and the fact that everybody was enjoying them. something which put me off on the xbox was that it seemed to be pc games with an awkward interface (i hated the original xbox pads)

the 360 i feel is a much better rounded product the xbox.

now that the others are out / nearly out im happy enough with what i have and given the choice would still buy a 360. I think the wii is just a gimmick, and the ps3 just seems to be a no starter for me. just not interested in it at all as i like the xbox too much. and the online features of the the ps3 are not meant to be as good as the 360. friends lists etc
I have gone for the PS3. I have loved the Gran Turismo games and this is reason alone to buy a PS3. But I bought it now rather than latter because I have a 1080 HD TV so wanted a Blu-Ray player to watch some movies. Plus there are some cool games out now which appeal RFOM and F1 (huge F1 fan).

So thought why not. Especially since its gona last quite a few years, so say even £100 year its not the end of the world. Even if you buy it next year for £325 then its still the same outlay per year but I will have had mine for a year already.

Not a lot between the PS3 and Xbox in terms of graphics which surprised me but both are good consoles.
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Got a Wii because my missus and I don't want our son to turn into the usual overweight gaming kid, sat for hours on end with a d-pad in his hands, only moving his fingers and thumbs whilst he stares incessantly at the screen.

If he's not outside playing with his friends, then they're all around our's jumping around the room playing tennis in Wii Sports or any of the physical mini-games in Rayman. The parents of his friends love it.

Also, it's brought other members of our family into the gaming scene - neither my missus or my mother would touch any of the others, yet they're eager to do the bowling or boxing :D

If I was buying a console for myself, then I think I'd have to get a 360 as I don't need or want a BR player yet - DVD suits me fine, so a PS3 makes for an expensive games console. As it is, I have a PC that I use for my gaming, so I don't think we'll be getting any other console for a while yet.
Current gen consoles that I own:

Xbox 360 - It was the first next gen console out and the money was burning a hole in my pocket. I'd just got a HDTV and a new home cinema and I wanted to exploit them to their maximum potential. Confirmation that both the PES and GTA series were coming out on the Xbox 360 swung the deal.

Nintendo DS Lite - I had a PSP but it was gathering dust. There were a few decent original games and I loved FM Handheld, but I fancied a change. I sold the PSP and got a DS. The main selling was Advance Wars: Dual Strike as I'm a big fan of the series.

Current gen consoles that I don't own:

Nintendo Wii - I'm been trying to convince my gf to get one and she's cracking. The fact that the console and the controllers aren't readily available and the fact that the games catalogue is a bit sparse at the moment is holding us back. We're not too desperate for one at the moment.

Sony PS3 - Waiting to see what games come out for it and whether the rumble pad will return. Blu-ray (and HD-DVD) don't interest me at the moment because the discs are expensive and it's not easy to rip the DVDs so that I can play them on my iPod.
Buying an Xbox 360 off someone in MM, really excited about getting it because I haven't played PGR 3 yet and Fight Night Round 3 looks brilliant. Looking forward to playing PES 6 as well.

To be honest, I've never really been a fan of the Play Station. I had a PSone, but never really bought that many games for it. I think it's the games that put me off buying Sony's offering apart from Guitar Hero II, but that's coming out on the 360 in the summer anyway.
I've got a 360, was a bit of an impulse buy. My mate had a few days off work and popped into my work to say hello and we ended up going to Comet and picking up a 360 each. Never looked back.
I got a 360 because I felt there was (or will be anyway) enough good games out there to justify it. Although I currently only have one game (GoW) and since I finished that I've barely touched it. Been busy playing PS2 games instead. It seems like I've wasted my money but there are games on the horizon that I hope will make it worthwhile.

I'll end up with so many consoles. I'm planning on buying a PSP at some point (already have a DS) and I will definitely get a PS3 eventually (not for a long time though) and I'd like to get a Wii but I think that's too much of an unknown quantity for me to part with my money.
I bought my 360 for PGR then found out how excellent all the other games were :D

Bought a Wii becuase i thought it would be fun. The fun factor soon wore off and it just collects dust now.

Going to get a PS3 sometimes soon hopefully
I have a 360 (my 2nd and it's 1 day old)

I have 4 mates who have current generation consoles. 2 of the 4 have HDTVs btw

1 has a 360
1 has a Wii
1 has a Wii and a PS3 on pre-order
1 has a 360, Wii and has a PS3 on order

Personally the PS3 is too expensive to even consider at this time, and i've played many Wii games and none have grabbed me even slightly. So, i replaced my broken 360 premium (it was beyone repair) with a new Core version. Sadly, i now have to wait 12 months for the warranty to run out before i can fit my spiffy black case to it.

The 360 has the best games catalogue for now, and for the near future. In 12 months, i'll re-consider the PS3 if there are a substantial number of good exclusive games, and i can't see me getting a Wii unless something outstanding is released for it.
I didn't choose a 360, my little brother did. He then joined the army and gave me his 360. Subsequently he has bought another 360 for himself. :D

I will get a PS3 when the time and price is correct for me, same goes for the Wii. Video gaming is my biggest hobby so I gotta have em all. :)
I got a wii coz i wanted to play Zelda (thou i supposed I could get that for the GC too) but Wii sports did it for me plus i have faith in Nintendo seeing what they did with the DS.

Plus, it was the cheapest of the 3.
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