why do cheats bother playing PC games?

20 Dec 2015
I have been dabbling in MW3 multiplayer for a few weeks and i have come to the conclusion that nearly every match has at least 1 player cheating. These guys cant be killed and only have to look in my direction and i'm dead. Whats the point, why play a game that you are only any good at by cheating? Is this a COD issue or will i come across these losers in other multiplayer games?
It hacks me off when I start a game at the beginning and someone gets a nuke within minutes. A couple of days ago I was shot many times by the same opposing player who on the killcam was just shooting indiscriminately at walls. during the same session a game of domination had the winning teams top scorerer with over 100 kills!!!!! Everyone else was in the 5-20ish range.

I mistakenly thought I was playing a team game but that is far from accurate, as soon as the matches start everyone scatters!
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