After just reading the Coronation Street thread, I have to ask, why do people who have no interest in the subject being talked about feel the need to post and tell people they dont care about it?
You have high post counts, so it is clearly not to improve your post coutn and get the members market.
Do you just like the way your text looks on the screen? may I suggest START > RUN > NOTEPAD ?
If you think the thread is stupid or you have no interest in what is being asked, why not STFU and go find something you do have interest in?
You have high post counts, so it is clearly not to improve your post coutn and get the members market.
Do you just like the way your text looks on the screen? may I suggest START > RUN > NOTEPAD ?
If you think the thread is stupid or you have no interest in what is being asked, why not STFU and go find something you do have interest in?