Why is saying the holocaust never happened bad?

I'm not sure racist is the best term, anti-semitic would be better.
Ricochet J said:
Not that i'm denying it. I'm just wondering, if people say the holocaust never happened, why is that considered rascist?

Because in order to deny you have to create some perverse anti-Jew theory to justify it which doesn't go down all that well outside of Iran.
It's commonly accepted that the vast majority of holocaust deniers are not trying to show that the holocaust didn't happen for reasons of historical accuracy - instead they set out to discredit the accepted version of events as part of a larger program of antisemitism or to promote the idea of a 'Jewish conspiracy'. It's also associated with neo-Nazism, which is accepted to be a bad thing.
As with everything people agree on different things.

Whether it happened or not, it is a reminder of how evil one can be given the power and that we, as humans should never allow it to happen.
i'll pose an example illustrating why Holocaust denial is wrong, sick and "bad".

say, a man kills your entire extended family and all your friends. and then says that it never happened, and that your making it up for the purpose of social gain, and that they all just "went away" to other Citys/countries.

i think it makes sense...
Aod said:
i'll pose an example illustrating why Holocaust denial is wrong, sick and "bad".

say, a man kills your entire extended family and all your friends. and then says that it never happened, and that your making it up for the purpose of social gain, and that they all just "went away" to other Citys/countries.

i think it makes sense...

That would only make sense if the worlds population of holocaust deniers consisted solely of Adolph Hitler.

These people haven't actually killed any Jews, or at least not on any grand scale.
As has been said, in light of the overwhelming stark and horrific evidence that it did occur to try and deny it suggests that you are doing so to discredit a race (the Jews) or, perhaps even worse, to support a regime - the Nazis.

If one was to deny it purely on a factual basis then fair enough but by all acounts you'd be trying to persuade people that the Earth is flat.
Arcade Fire said:
Yeah, just one or two at the weekend. I'm trying to limit myself, y'know?
Pffft, I wish. I just can't function unless I've slaughtered the son of Rabbi before breakfast.
I don't really have an opinion on this, but surely there's something wrong with forcing people to believe a certain historic event, and if they don't they're breaking the law.

Last I checked, my thoughts were mine and my choice only. :rolleyes:
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