why wont c&c generals work on my machine :(

22 Nov 2010
hey guys,

im having some problems running a couple of older RTS games on my machine

the games are command & conquer generals/zero hour and LOTR battle for middles earth 2

my machine spec

i5 760 @3.8ghz
msi p55 GD80 mobo
2x4 corsair xms3 1600mhz
antec 620 cooler
asus GTX 480
seagate barracuda 1TB HDD
windows 7 ultimate

both games install fine and everything goes smooth, but when i try run the games they just wont run :(

what could the problem be guys ?? ive tried running both games in the Windows XP service pack 3 settings but that made no difference

any help will be appreciated

cheers beasty
ive done all that, now im getting a dx8.1 error :/ i have dx11 lol

please help guys its starting to bug me now :(
Took me ages to get it to work some time last year, i found a thread on some forum which sorted it out, I am sorry but i can't remeber right now exactly what i did, but it involved creating a file and placing it in the directory iirc. Try Googling i am sure the solution is on a forum somewhere:)
I got very frustrated, but in the end i got it working.
I had the same error message on my old 775 win 7 64 set up, when i upgraded from a 5850 to a 6970, just didnt like the new card ..
is my GPU to powerful for the game then ??

gosh, i really enjoy playing this game as well, is there no other way to get it working ?? ive tried making the options folder in the c&c documents, ive updated the GPU and DX drivers.

i don't know what else to do :(
When you created the .ini file did it definitely save as that? I believe I posted a thread about this 18 months or so ago and the issue was the notepad was saving as a .ini.text due to the fact the option for hiding all known file types was selected.

Once that was changed and the file definitely saved as a .ini (the notepad icon changes to one with a cog on it) the game fired up straight away.

I shall try and find my thread and post back :)
Your PC has drawn a line in the sand and simply wont allow mammoth tank spam.

That would be overlord tanks then, however I shall give you the benefit of the doubt :p.

Was always very satisfying smacking down a US base full of planes with 35-40 overlords :)
That would be overlord tanks then, however I shall give you the benefit of the doubt :p.

Was always very satisfying smacking down a US base full of planes with 35-40 overlords :)

I'll defer to your expertise on this one. Were mammoths part of Red Alert then not Generals?
I'll defer to your expertise on this one. Were mammoths part of Red Alert then not Generals?

Mammoth Tanks were used by GDI in C&C1, TS and C&C3 (probs C&C4 as well) the Soviets using them in the original Red Alert.

Apocalypse Tanks were used by Soviets in RA2 and RA3.

Overlord Tanks were used by the Chinese in Generals.
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