wife killed my rig spec me a repair upgrade



21 Nov 2004
hey guys wife managed to kill my rig thanks to some jiggery pokery that i wont go into

in short i need a new dvd drive a new hard drive(she fried both my main drive and 2 back up drives and a new psu

basically all i have that i have confirmed working atm is a 146 opty gig of ram and my mobo along with a 1900 xtx

its an asrock dual sata mobo btw so should be fine for the old sata malarkey

budget 150 pounds for a dvd reader/writer hard drive storage and a new psu to handle the above

suggestions please guys and no divorce is already being considered :)
Samsung SH-S203BEBN 20x20 DVD±RW Dual Layer Serial ATA ReWriter (Black) - OEM £16.99 (£19.96)

Corsair HX 520W ATX2.2 Modular SLI Compliant PSU (CMPSU-520HXUK) £57.99 (£68.14)

Samsung SpinPoint T HD321KJ 320GB SATA-II 16MB Cache - OEM £40.99 (£48.16)

Sub Total : £115.97
Shipping : £8.95
VAT : £21.86
Total : £146.78

just a reminder, next time u want to mess about dont do it by the pc :D
I'd spend a few quid more on the harddrive and get one of Western Digitals new 16mb cache AAKS 500GB harddrives. One of the fastest 7200RPM drives around and almost as quick as a Raptor. Only an extra £5 or so.
Darg said:
I'd spend a few quid more on the harddrive and get one of Western Digitals new 16mb cache AAKS 500GB harddrives. One of the fastest 7200RPM drives around and almost as quick as a Raptor. Only an extra £5 or so.
aye that was my first thought, it came to £167 so knocked it down to under the budget.
Ah yea I underestimated the price of the AAKS. It's actually around £20 more. Worth it in my opinion but if you're on a budget then go with the other hdd specced.
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