hey guys wife managed to kill my rig thanks to some jiggery pokery that i wont go into
in short i need a new dvd drive a new hard drive(she fried both my main drive and 2 back up drives and a new psu
basically all i have that i have confirmed working atm is a 146 opty gig of ram and my mobo along with a 1900 xtx
its an asrock dual sata mobo btw so should be fine for the old sata malarkey
budget 150 pounds for a dvd reader/writer hard drive storage and a new psu to handle the above
suggestions please guys and no divorce is already being considered
in short i need a new dvd drive a new hard drive(she fried both my main drive and 2 back up drives and a new psu
basically all i have that i have confirmed working atm is a 146 opty gig of ram and my mobo along with a 1900 xtx
its an asrock dual sata mobo btw so should be fine for the old sata malarkey
budget 150 pounds for a dvd reader/writer hard drive storage and a new psu to handle the above
suggestions please guys and no divorce is already being considered