Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Why did I choose to make plans for this weekend dammit....really wanted to level my warrior and see how the tanking side of the game plays out! :(

Have people decided if they're going Dominion or Exile yet? Also, anyone got any guilds running, or that will be running on releases, as I'll be looking for one from Day 1 to fully envelop myself in the MMO experience. Need that green guild chat spam in the chat window! :p
Problem I've got with faction choice is that I like all the Dominion races and only 1 (maybe 2) of the Exile races, but I really prefer the Exiles from a story point of view!

They are the scrappy underdog against the evil powerful empire!
Hope that this coming out after ESO doesn't cripple it too much. Imagine people that were mmo starved so got ESO now won't want to pay out for another so soon. Would have tried to release it earlier?
Nah, it'll be out just in time for the ESO people to realize their mistake, after all the hype and cash shop shenanigans have died down, and not bother continuing their sub and give this a try :p


Think Wildstar will attract a different type of MMO player to ESO so shouldn't affect the game too much.
So Carbine held the PAX East wildstar panel last night and it was even better than expected.

The whole panel can be watched here!

Main points:

Warplots! these look pretty epic and should be a whole lot of fun for end game PvP.

Artifact Weapons - Weapons given to only the very best, these improve over time when people complete the imbuement's for the weapon.

World Stories - Due to Carbine's strategy that raids be hard they understand that some people will never get to see all the content, so in order to make sure casual/solo players are able to see the story through to completion they have created lore instances that continue the story of wildstar at cap.

40 Man Raids - Carbine also showed off some footage from the 40 man raid The Datascape, which looked really fun and had some really inventive telegraphs for the fight that was shown.

I was pretty excited for this game before and can only say that I'm more excited for this after watching the panel, the Dev's really seem to enjoy what they are creating which can only be good for us in the long run. :D
Enjoyed the game but it needs to be much more optimised. Anywhere busy even if just NPC's and the frames drop too much.

Hoping from now until release a lot of work is done.

I didn't have any problems playing it last weekend, very rarely dropped under 60 fps and that was only the the mid 40's.

They've done a lot of work in the last couple of patches. :)

After watching the panel I finally caved and bought the game.

You're not the only one, the panel pushed a few friends that were on the fence in to buying this too! :D
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