Will an upscaling dvd player improve FTV?

30 Sep 2006
Midlands, UK
Hi all,
buying as an upscaling dvd player today, old dvd player is knacked, and not quite ready for BD player yet.

However, if i connect my freeview coax cable into the player then hdmi from player to tv will the tv signal passthough and upscale to the tv?

Just a thought i guess.

thanks for any advice. :)
Upscaling is a bit of an "if your lucky" solution anyway. I've yet to find an upscaling player which outperforms the scalers built into my Panny plasma. I have my DVD player hooked to the TV using Pal 576i over componant, and the TV scales it to the panel resolution. Using the DVD's HDMI upscaled outputs looked worse overall.

The TV's upscalers work just as well for Sky and other standard def sources. My SkyHD box for example is set to auto, so if the broadcast is 576i, then the HDMI output is 576i as well. (less work for the Sky box too).
Right, just bought a LG DVX492 upscaling dvd player from somewhere for less than £40. Very nice looking, will match my LG 42 PQ6000 tv nicely i think.
Just looked on the back and there is no RF output anyway, just scart, component, optical out and HDMI.
Looking forward to testing this out tonight. It had some good reviews on other forums.

Thanks for the input guys. :)
Hmmm.....well i watched Van Helsing dvd on it. Kept switching resolution from 480p - 576p - 720p - 1080i whilst the movie was paused in the vain hope that i'd see some difference.......i didn't!
Whether i was doing it right or not is another matter.
Overall <£40 for a nice dvd player that will, i guess, upscale some movies rather well (according to reviews) isn't a waste of money imho. Looks nice too and the remote is very small and works with the LG tv. :)
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