i7 is still the way. All this talk of upgrade is pointless.
An I7 at 4ghz will last you years before it's even pushed to it limits. By which time 6 core or maybe 8 core will be more mainstream and will either be reasonable priced or maybe new socket.
Long gone are the days of updating a cpu. It simply isn't needed ans pretty pointless. Build the system as best you can, by teh time you need a new cpu you'll need a complete new system.Partial upgrades are ram, gfx and HDD.
An I7 at 4ghz will last you years before it's even pushed to it limits. By which time 6 core or maybe 8 core will be more mainstream and will either be reasonable priced or maybe new socket.
Long gone are the days of updating a cpu. It simply isn't needed ans pretty pointless. Build the system as best you can, by teh time you need a new cpu you'll need a complete new system.Partial upgrades are ram, gfx and HDD.