Win XP takes too long to shutdown

27 Nov 2002
I had to repair my Win XP Pro because my computer could not load Win XP.

I managed to repair it and everything seems to be working fine. The only problem that I seem to have is that my computer now takes around 4-5 minutes to shutdown after I repaired it.

Is there something I can do to make Win XP shutdown the computer much faster?

What did you repair to get Windows working and have you tried system restore to restore the system back to a point before you started having trouble?
Ratbag said:
If you've been buggering about with any tweaking programs check you haven't chosen to "clear page file at shutdown".
I thought that as well. If he has I wasn't sure if I could remember which defragger could tidy up his pagefile for him.
You could try going into the BIOS and closing down ports like your spare USB, firewire, parallel, serial (if you still have them), and sata/ide ports. This can really make startup/shutdown a lot quicker.
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