Winamp - Gracenotes - Any Alternatives?

26 Oct 2002
I always listen to my music through Winamp out of Habit but also due to the feature of the Gracenotes ability of the program.

What this essentially does is scans every single one of my files and then categorises it based on the content.

Therefore, Let's say I cue up a nice classical piece of music from my collection, I can then right click that file and choose "Play Tracks Similar to - Adagio For Strings"

And then Winamp will add other songs that are of a similar composition to that of the chosen song.

I find this very useful and simple when wanting to listen to a specific type of music.

Sadly however the Winamp version often gets corrupted and therefore I'm now looking for an alternative program that would utilise a similar feature.

So if anyone knows a program that will create playlists based on 1 particular song then please list it here.

I believe that Itunes has a feature quite similar to this, however I personally do not like the Itunes software so would prefer not to use Itunes, however if someone can convince me otherwise then do so :P

Thanks in Advance.
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