I will reiterate I enjoyed the episode.
I feel people are now being upset for the sake of being upset.
I can see the inconsistency with the scorpion weapons, but you can't argue both ways were terrible.
If they'd shot the first scene differently to involve an ambush, it would have been easier to palate, but as for her smoking the entire fleet when flying attack vectors, that is fine to me.
Dragon were what conquered the entire world at a time.
They can be that powerful.
I think the conversion of Dany has been on show for a couple of season in smaller ways, even traceable back to her own brother having his head melted to her not caring, as he wasn't a true Targ.
She roasted those who stood in her way.
She wanted to roast KL when she first arrived.
She saw her nearest and dearest die one by one, starting with Selmy, Mormont, Missandi, she saw her love become distant.
She saw he become in her mind a rival, he lied to her, he told people.
She saw her spymaster turn against her, her hand make mistake after mistake.
Every single person she has 'loved' has betrayed her, so now she will rule by fear.
I liked it, i loved the hound getting battered being cut scenes with Arya being battered by falling masonry.
It looked beautiful, so well set, so well done, CGI worked very nicely for the most part too.
I liked that Dany killed Cersei (indirectly), I had hoped for Jamie to be the one, but... keep us guessing D&D.
Now what i wonder is will Dany try to roast Jon, and find he is immune to flames, and kills her instead?
Will Jon and Grey Worm fight a duel?
Will Arya go after Dany, or will Arya slay the dragon?
Really looking forward to the finale.