Woman Kills Baby For Interrupting Farmville Session

26 Mar 2010
A 22 year-old woman from Jacksonsville, Florida has pleaded guilty to killing her baby son over a game of...Farmville.

Alexandra V. Tobias says her three-month old child, Dylan Lee Edmondson, had been crying while she was trying to play the popular Facebook casual game. This angered Tobias, who told authorities that she shook the baby, had a cigarette to calm herself down, then shook him again. It's believed he "may have hit his head during the shaking".

Dylan's death was classified as second-degree murder, a charge that carries the possibility of a life sentence in prison.


Perhaps its time to quit Facebook?
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2 very different sides to her face....cover half of one side and she looks like a half decent happy chick, the other side looks like a sad druggy prostitute.
no offense to any of you prostitutes reading this.
Article put through the bull**** filter:

A Florida mother shook her baby to death because it cried and she couldn't hack it any more. She happened to be using Facebook at the time, so we'll make out like there was somehow a causal connection between Facebook/Farmville and murdering babies. Because technology is bad.
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