woo hoo... Cambridge Audio A5

8 Jun 2005
Sorry for this but i thought i would voice this out.

after using an AIWA NSX-SZ50 for the last 4 years with the left bass channel not working and the right one struggling with both speakers, i decided to pay out for a new amp and damn... this thing is a massive improvment. A little fine tuning needed and maybe some new speaker cables but so far i'm well impressed.
how much did you get it for if you dont mind me asking? I picked up one the other week and hooked a set of warfdale 9.2's up and its a very nice upgrade from my 2.1 pc speakers :cool:
was £119.95 brand new.

from the reviews i have read its the best in its price range. i did have a Cambridge A1 on loan from my bro a while back as was quite impressed with it.
I have an A5 too (powering some KEF Q5's). I realise it isn't the best rig around, but makes a nice noise for the money. The low end could be slightly better defined, but in general the amp and speakers are nice and articulate. More than adequate for the HTPC.
I've got one of the original cambridge amps, a P25 MK2, about 14 years old and still going strong! I've cleaned it out 3 times since I've had it, and its got a headphone socket as well.
I rate these amps highly.
Hate to buck the trend but considering just how much amp you can get second hand for the same or perhaps just a touch more money, I just cant see how they represent value for money.

Having said that, if you absolutely MUST buy new, they are fairly reasonable :)
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