Woohoo ..... I have a syndrome!

4 Jan 2004
Ever heard of Alice in Wonderland syndrome?? After watching an episode of 'House', where a patient was diagnosed with suffering from AIWS, it finally hit home what I've been suffering (although suffering seems like such a strong word to use) for the last thirty plus years. Google it .... I feel amazing knowing that I wasn't going mad. I thank you and goodnight :)
So you get migraines (or take too much Acid) .....congratulations. ;)

Nope ... not anything that makes me feel any pain at all. I hardly even get a headache! Just the occasional WTF have I just seen! I've had it since I was around 10 or 11 years old!
Nope ... not anything that makes me feel any pain at all. I hardly even get a headache! Just the occasional WTF have I just seen! I've had it since I was around 10 or 11 years old!

Aye, not all types of migraine cause pain or give headaches. Ocular Migraines rarely do and they are the most commonly associated with Micro/macropesia...:)

Of course the alternative is that you are suffering from a disassociative disorder......You mad bugger you! ;)
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Give examples of your WTF moments.

As for migraines.. only one's I get is bright flashing going across my vision for 30 mins or something like that. Not painful at all, but visually disturbing as it slowly moves from left to right or whatever.
Too many hours playing Guitar Hero used to bring on a similar thing for me too, regardless of the amount of DMT I had taken at the time :)
Perhaps you should go to a professional and actually get them to test you for it instead of self diagnosing yourself :p
I was diagnosed with Gilberts Syndrome 10 years ago. It's a good one didn't eat coz I feel sick, feel sick coz I didn't eat.

I have got over it now by eating when I feel sick.
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