Words that have close but useful equivalents...

2 Nov 2004
Just been thinking about this...

What I mean is words whereby you think they mean the same, but have subtle differences. Such as

Obedience and conformity. Obedience means to outwardly do what is expected of you. Conformity can also mean obedience, but generally means believing what you should expected to believe. One deal with doing, the other with believing.

Obsession and compulsion. Obsession means you cant stop thinking about something, whereas compulsion means you can stop doing something...

Anyone got anymore?
iCraig said:
Isn't that responsibility?

And obedience is doing something that you've been told to do I think.

responsibility can mean a multitude of things - obedience ultimately means adopting a behaviour that you have been requested to adopt
diatribe and tirade maybe

vernacular with idiom or colloquial

Didn't check defs first, but they came to mind. Could be wrong
Ah, the joys of a large vocabulary!

It's great knowing loads of words for subtly different situations. Wish I knew more.

Still, I'm not as keen as a girl I know who used to read the dictionary.
Patently and blatantly. The former just means 'clearly' as in 'a patent lie', the latter means the same but obtrusively so. E.g. 'I found the trombones complimented the French horns but the tuba was rather blatant, Cecil.'
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