Work bonus not paid properly...

19 Dec 2003
Hi folks,

I got a 3% bonus last quarter (Jan-March 2006) but got a letter saying along the lines of

"A mistake was made calculating, and your bonus should be 2.8%"


It went on to explain

"Naturally, those who were told higher bonus's would be honoured with the original figure"

Basically meaning I'd get 3%.

Pay day comes...2.8%!!!

Told my boss, he said personnel are useless! And that he'd sort it.

Ok its probably about £10 (the extra .2%) but even so...

This months pay came...No .2% extra from last time!

Do I have a right to ask for more now just because of the inconvenience? How would I go about it?
The inconvenience of a tenner? :p

Just keep annoying personnel enough with incessant badgering that they eventually cough up :p
SeanyK said:
Do I have a right to ask for more now just because of the inconvenience?

if you eman the 0.2% then yes , if you mean trying to get compensation then my advise would be to forget that as you could be seen as a troublemaker
Consult a lawyer. The £10 is just the thin end of the wedge.

Serve proceedings and drag them through the courts. That'll teach them !

Haha !
They are buffoons

On this payslip, its got

"HO BONUS" £250

Along with a letter saying "Sorry, you dont get a HO bonus, you have a bank bonus instead"
"It is an error, and the sum indicated will not be paid into your bank, a new payslip will be sent soon"

It gets worse! LOL
I once never got paid a full weeks night shift at B&Q

just normal day pay rate.

I asked twice for my money , no joy.

then they asked me to work a nightshift to cover holidays cause they were really stuck.

Err sorry I said but you cant pay me properly Im not doing it.
I wouldn't have thought so tbh..

Our payroll has screwed up my OT/Bonus for 4 months in a row.. In fact one month they gave me 13 hours OT Happy days.. It took them 6 weeks to realise..
Alasdair said:
Is your bonus contractual? If not, they can just decide not to give you it at all, so be thankful for what you've got.

Exactly a bonus is just that and they dont normally have to give you it, especially if its a mistake. If it is contractual then fair enough but its still a mistake.
Our bonus is performance related, so they HAVE to give it if you reach the set levels.

We have to sell 80% of our Pet Insurance target & 80% of our Savings account target ,just to get the basic bonus of 2.5%

Each higher after that takes the bonus up, to a max of 5%.

If they didnt offer a bonus, no one would bother to hit target as we are not on commision.
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