Work Issue...this is gonna make you laugh (or cry)

15 Mar 2010
ok so this might make some of you laugh but i would like to get some advice:

so on thursday i was at work and were quite a rowdy/chatty office mainly full of females (only 2 males here) and the office is no stranger to controversial topics.
we were all gonna go out for lunch and i said to the other guy if he was gonna come and he started pondering as you do when your about to say no, so i said
"oh your such a women" in a jokey completely harmless tone

next thing i know woman1 (who shall remain nameless) says 'excuse me, dont say that its really insulting'

'no its not' i replied

and i carried on a bit, with me ending it saying if she has a problem to complain.....

so women1 is known for being a proper feminst, really hard balled etc you know the sort of person where everyone pussy foots around when speaking incase you somehow offend her, shes always drugged up on aspirins and **** (i kid you not)

unfortunately none of the other girls were around at the time, but when i spoke to them about it at lunch they just laughed, and said dont worry about it..

im not worried about this, but i can feel the complaint coming and i refuse to apologise as its just getting blown out of proportion and she just moans about everything and will gladly expect a warning (can you imagine: a warning for calling a man a woman) ;)

so opinions? has anyone else got someone like this in their office?
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It was banter between you and him, nothing to do with her , should've told the nosey **** not to eavesdrop
i think a lot, to me this is standing up against what i consider the bully and mainly to be able to say something to someone without getting my head bitten off, fair enough if the office was all peace and quite and everyone was like this but its not the case at all.

shes known for flipping out over the smallest things about what people say, and generally i think enoughs enough.
It was banter between you and him, nothing to do with her , should've told the nosey **** not to eavesdrop

Sounds like it is an open office, and that she didn't have much choice but to hear it.

Yes, she may have taken it out of context and/or blown it out of proportion, but if you'd simply apologised at the time (they're just words, it doesn't cost you anything) there would now be no issue whatsoever.
How drugged up can you actually be on aspirin?

its more then aspirins, she goes home at the first sign of a headache for ****s sake!

i think i may eventually have to apologise, our team gets a lot of stick and my boss will probably have a mental breakdown if it doesnt get resolved, the other boss in the team (the team woman1 is on) is going out of her way to try and get a girl in our team sacked (or so she thinks) so this is furhter ammo for her :(
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You sound worried. What did you say to her when you carried on a bit?
im not worried in the sense of me getting in trouble, im a big boy and can handle a warning however stupid i think it may be (if it comes to that), i just dont think my boss needs it at the mo especially with the whole boss vs boss dynamic in our office as described above.

i guess i didnt want to do the whole conversation as its just boring, and it really didnt last more then 30 seconds...

it went something like:
m:calling him a women
h: dont say that its offense
m: no its not
h: yes it is, i feel insulted
m: go and complain

and that was it...anyway i thought it would have all blown over by today, but shes still got a chip on her shoulder- go figure.
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