World in Conflict £1.99

Is it the complete edition? though WIC alone is worth that cash but you best getting the complete edition as it merges the expansion(soviet assault) into the game so you play as USA/USSR throughout it.
If you like rts games go for it...what's £5.99 anyway :p and also it's worth buying just to see the explosions/nukes lol.
Just ordered the complete version from there, very happy with the purchase, already have it from a friend, but at £6 why not own it myself?
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Pretty decent game which heavily relies on teamplay. Most divisions have a major flaw which is only solved by a teamates units.

Singeplayer was alright but was pretty much a click click click on each unit's special ability whilst flanking.
Same here. Doh it even says not for resale on the cover!? WTF looks like we could cause some trouble for game indeed.
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