World of Warcraft Powerleving

19 Dec 2005
World of Warcraft Powerleving

Looking for any good powerleving deals on the net and good sites

Stormreaver Server/ Alliance side

Post the amount and site name please (USD/EUR/GBP)
The best part of WoW is leveling up, it gets very boring after a while at 70, I wish I could go back to 2005 where everybody was a noob to the game and leveling. :D
You will most likely have your account banned. The people you pay to powerlevel your account will most likely use banned botting programes which "warden" ( the inbuilt detection software in wow ) will detect and log. After a while someone will get round to checking your warden file and verifying that a bot .exe was detected and your account will be banned. This MAY take a few months and you may even get your account powerlevelled to 70 and be merrily playing away for a few weeks before the ban happens, but it WILL most likely happen eventually.

Dont say you werent warned.
For any MMO, there will always be people who look to do this.

Not everyone shares the mentality that the fun is in the journey, some see the destination only and the quicker they get up there the better, however that may be. The less folk of that kind in an MMO the better, as their mentality cripples the fun for anyone else involved.
Buy a bot, recommend WoWGlider - 25$, i made around £2k from botting chars then selling them.

Powerleveling services are risky as Blizzard can trace IP's, see if it's someone different playing etc and the advantage of using a bot like WoWGlider is that EU laws state that unless Blizzard can actually detect and 100% proof you were botting cant ban you, where as in USA if they think your botting then they can ban you regardless.

Also when you do reach Lv70 instead of Gold grinding/faction grinding for numerous hours you can have your bot do it.
Go easy on him. Scumbag is a word you should reserve for those who really deserve it. Not somebody who made a quick buck or two off a video game.
truebluecfc said:
Buy a bot, recommend WoWGlider - 25$, i made around £2k from botting chars then selling them.

Powerleveling services are risky as Blizzard can trace IP's, see if it's someone different playing etc and the advantage of using a bot like WoWGlider is that EU laws state that unless Blizzard can actually detect and 100% proof you were botting cant ban you, where as in USA if they think your botting then they can ban you regardless.

Also when you do reach Lv70 instead of Gold grinding/faction grinding for numerous hours you can have your bot do it.

What does the EU law have to do with anything? you agree to blizzard scanning your system for banned programmes when you accept the EULA. If it detects a banned programme they will ban your account, its as simple as that. And blizz can ban you for anything they want to... its their game and you have no right ( in law ) to play it. They allow you to play it so long as you adhere to the terms and conditions of play, and botting is against those terms.

For a professional botter/farmer im sure there are ways round this but as far as the OP is asking, its a dangerous path to take as the majority of these so called power leveling services are just scammers out to steal accounts and suchlike.

In any case the whole idea is to level your own chars and have fun and make friends while doing it... if all you want to do is pvp then go play guild wars or something, you can get max level in that in about 3 weeks playing casually.
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i have had 2 characters power leveled, not had any problems with it, or after, its been good year since, anyways just be careful who you choose and make sure you know what your letting yourself in for.
This isn't your first thread about this.

Play it normally and enjoy the slow progression.
To be honest i can understand the pain in the behind that lvling is but if this is your 1st ever toon then you must do it the hard way. If you were rerolling and have a job that requires a lot of hours i.e. doctor then i could forgive you the powerleveling.

On a serious note you would have to be VERY unlucky to get caught powerleveling, Blizzard are more lax about this than the Dutch government is about selling weed.
Sinque said:
It goes upto 80 in the new expansion :p
Loved it how nobody cheered when he said about the new level cap at Blizzcon. :D

I guess that's all WoW has going for it, up the level cap, collect gear and get bored, new expansion, up the level cap, rinse and repeat. :o
AtreuS said:
You will most likely have your account banned. The people you pay to powerlevel your account will most likely use banned botting programes which "warden" ( the inbuilt detection software in wow ) will detect and log. After a while someone will get round to checking your warden file and verifying that a bot .exe was detected and your account will be banned. This MAY take a few months and you may even get your account powerlevelled to 70 and be merrily playing away for a few weeks before the ban happens, but it WILL most likely happen eventually.

Dont say you werent warned.

no it wont happen, there are companys out there, who do it just by playing the game normally. and not using bots.
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