World's First 'Breathing' PC [DIY Perks]

Definitely not silent but I'm not really hearing the flap noise he's talking of quieting, but a whirr pause on every stroke. There's a lot of electric motors in there even though there's no fans.
The bellows part seems to be quiet, as far as it's possible to tell by listening to a video. I wonder how much of that is due to the way it works, and how much is due to its size? - would it compare favourably to a conventional fan of similar size and speed?
Very nice design. Bit of a shame it needs such a large air chamber though. A lot of wasted space vs a few fans at minimum rpm. Guess it was just a proof of concept idea more than anything.
This is really interesting. I like the size of it - could make it a showpiece in a room.

Almost tempted to try a project of my own :p
I think the guy is a genius. That was some very cool engineering. Tube breaks, replacement tube is too big, eureka! nickel plate the magnet until it's big enough to make the bigger tube still work. Next level stuff.
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