Worth getting a 5D MKII now ?

5D MKIII looks to have been sighted at last!


Are you actually being serious? Why would anyone use manual focus if auto focus is faster and more accurate?

2nd, yes maybe manual focus isn't that hard at small apertures, but it's just not possible with wide apertures and shallow depth of fields, especially if there is a hint of subject movement, and also the view finder just isn't big enough to be able to tell if you have nailed focus.
As an example of this point, I can take a picture that is out of focus, put it on my monitor and resize it down to roughly the size of the viewfinder and now the images looks in perfect focus. You see it's just not possible to tell when you have critical focus or not, which makes it inaccurate.

If your shooting at f5.6 or F8 or with a wide angle, then I'm sure MF is not a problem.
Also I think your . key is getting stuck, probably time for a new keyboard...

I'm not sure i understand this statement.

I was always under the impression that when you're focusing the lens is always wide open anyway. Why is there a DOF button for example?

Manual focus is pretty easy on the Sony A77 with focus peaking. Pretty nice feature. A great example of the EVF is low light manual focusing with peaking.

Personally i like manual focus as it slows you down and you take your time more before taking the picture. Got used to manual focus on my TLR now and I'm pretty quick with it now compared to when i first got it. You can change your focusing plates on your D700, give it a go!
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I'm not sure i understand this statement.

I was always under the impression that when you're focusing the lens is always wide open anyway. Why is there a DOF button for example?

What I'm saying is, if your using small apertures you have a bigger margin for error, so if the subject looks in focus in the view finder it most probably will be in the final shot. If however your shooting wide open at very narrow DOF's then you can't actually tell from your viewfinder if you have achieved critical focus as it just isn't big enough, a slight mis-focus will look as sharp as a perfectly focused shot in the viewfinder, hence why it's useless for people like me who rely on very very small margins of AF error.

Personally i like manual focus as it slows you down and you take your time more before taking the picture. Got used to manual focus on my TLR now and I'm pretty quick with it now compared to when i first got it. You can change your focusing plates on your D700, give it a go!

Cheers for the suggestion Logsi, but I just wouldn't want to be slowed down. For what I do, it just wouldn't work, I would miss allot of great expressions, both candid or otherwise, as people just don't like to wait in front of a camera.
I understand what your saying though, and how it could be of benefit to some areas of photography, just like how prime lenses helps you to consider the best angle as the chances are your already zooming with your feet, rather than planted with a zoom.
If you read up a few posts, it's believed to be the 5D MKIII, taken from Canon Rumors.

It's not likely to be a 7D MKII because it doesn't have a flash. The Battery Grip is also clearly brand new, as no existing ones have a joystick on it.
it wont be with us by then, maybe released then but will take some time to get through the distrbution channels etc...
I bought the 5D MKII today, I've only had a quick play with it in the house but really impressed. The image quality is amazing, the 21 megapixel really does make a difference from what I'm used to. Can't wait to have a proper test tomorrow :)

Good decision, you will always miss out on the "X+1" off the next version, but then again the next version will be massively more expensive until il comes down in about 2 years... And in the meantime you get 21mp goodness ;-)

I also bought mine in August, when the price went down sharply to around 1600, and I don't regret getting it, nor do I regret waiting for this "bargain" !

Nice to know I'm not alone. :D By the way, have any of you guys installed an LCD protector by any chance?
I bought some if the cheap plastic protectors for the camera, the type you put on phones, does the job fine but I will get a glass version to try at some point.
I have a LCD protector on both of my cameras. Worth it, yes! any scratches etc on te protector, i have the film type ones on the top LCD screens.
Cheers for the suggestion Logsi, but I just wouldn't want to be slowed down. For what I do, it just wouldn't work, I would miss allot of great expressions, both candid or otherwise, as people just don't like to wait in front of a camera.
I understand what your saying though, and how it could be of benefit to some areas of photography, just like how prime lenses helps you to consider the best angle as the chances are your already zooming with your feet, rather than planted with a zoom.

That's fair enough. Before i went to Uni i was a die hard digital boy and just could't understand why anyone would bother using some antiquated hardware to shoot when a digital camera can do the same, seemingly, and more. I got really hooked on film though. it is a totally different workflow which coming from digital is a bit of a chore to start with but then you find the benefits of it. It's one of those things you only really miss when it's gone if you know what i mean.

Maybe that's just me though. For example i would have never have looked at primes before using them extensively at Uni. Now all i want is a 35mm prime and a rangefinder! Leica woo woo!

Like what Robert Capa said, if you're photographs aren't good enough, you're not close enough! I'm kind of coming around to that way of shooting.
That's fair enough. Before i went to Uni i was a die hard digital boy and just could't understand why anyone would bother using some antiquated hardware to shoot when a digital camera can do the same, seemingly, and more. I got really hooked on film though. it is a totally different workflow which coming from digital is a bit of a chore to start with but then you find the benefits of it. It's one of those things you only really miss when it's gone if you know what i mean.

Maybe that's just me though. For example i would have never have looked at primes before using them extensively at Uni. Now all i want is a 35mm prime and a rangefinder! Leica woo woo!

Like what Robert Capa said, if you're photographs aren't good enough, you're not close enough! I'm kind of coming around to that way of shooting.

Hehe, I'm the admin of http://forum.manualfocus.org/ ;-)

started as a digiboy, and now I shoot up to 10x8 view cameras. I know, crazy but very rewarding!
Oh, yeah, I have a Leica M2 from 1964, as well as maybe 20 other oldies :-)
Which brand of the film type one's?

Ithink they are called CGS, bought on ebay, had to buy 3 as when tried to put one on its wasnt on straight and covered part of the display, on removal i actually cracked the screen, hence had to order the third. I forget they are they to be honest and look very OEM where as the film on the top LCD are noticable.

EDIT jsut notice you wanted the film type one, umm im not sure i think i got a pack free when i bought my 5DII from jessops.
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