Worth Upgrading a Q6600 System?

11 Mar 2010
Ok, ive recently built a new system, however, with a new case and other things on the way, this leaves me with a full spare system. I was going to break it down and sell it on fleabay, but a friend has asked me how much i would sell it to him for, ive asked for £200 bar the monitor, this will include an apple keyboard and a Logitech G7 Mouse.

The 8800's are dated now and i was wondering if it would be worth him getting a new 5770 for light gaming.

Specs are as follows.

Corsair 520W HX PSU
2x 8800GTS' (BFG OC2 640's)
Q6600 (Running at 3.19GHz)
EVGA 680i
4GB of OCZ Nvidia SLI ready Memory (1066mhzddr2 Dual)
Tuinq Tower
160GB WDC Sata Hard Drive
Samsung Write master
Antec 300 Case

So is it worth adding a 5770, and is £200 about right for all that?
£200 is a very fair deal for that (I'd jump at the chance if a friend offered me that PC for £200). SLI 8800s still pack a fair punch but yes the 5770 would be nice.
£200 for that is excellent... Whack a 5850 into that and you've got a 1920 x 1080 gaming rig for a year or so...!! He should Snatch yor hand off..

He could sell the 8800GTS to help fund the cost of the 5850 as well.
Yeah i know its worth a fair bit more if i were to sell it seperately. Its just a PC to replace the piece of crap he already has in his room, hes not a big gamer in any way, but i think he will play the odd game now and again, so im sure a 5770 at the prices they are (£130ish) would be a good investment. The 5850 is a bit much i think.
If he/she is a true friend i'd just give them it, but thats just me. Nothing wrong with regaining money on your old hardware, and if they insist on giving you something for it then everyones happy
Think you're more generous than me (and a lot of people) then. :p Think it would have to be a pretty old PC before I would just give it to a friend.
Well ive re-built my old system and cleaned it up thoroughly, it's up and running now and im testing it for a few days before selling it, as my friend has decided he doesnt want it.

My 8800GTS' are back in too, and i decided to test some games out. Its reminded me about how old they are now, while they can play new games, they are unable to handle resolutions higher than 1280x7** and still produce good frame rates.

As it stands, i want £200 for it, however, ive been thinking about buying a new 5770 to add in. Would i then be able to charge say £330 for it, as it will cost me an extra £130 to install a 5770 and obviously dont want to make a loss. Should i, or should i not? Ill be selling it within the week, so need to make a desicion quickly.
Don't bother installing a 5770 if you're going to sell it, it won't increase the resale value enough to cover the cost (I can almost guaruntee this). If you want minimum hassle then sell it as a complete unit, if you want the most money from it then split it for components.
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