WoT - Towers of Midnight (Spoilers)

3 Feb 2009
Brighton, UK.
Right, the tag in the title is more a "possible" because I won't actually spoil anything intentionally.

Just want to say it is superb, Sanderson has once again done a brilliant job, there are still very clear differences between him and Jordan.

Now for the "spoilers", this isn't REALLY a spoiler in the literal sense, basically what I want to say is I am absolutely terrified.

I have been reading this series since I was 11 years old, nearly 10 years, will be 12 years by the time the last one comes out, that is a long time to be engrossed in a series like this and by the end of this book I was literally terrified both at the prospect of the series actually ending....but mostly of...how....it will end.

I've had so many years to formulate my own endings...but now all I can think of is that what DOES end up happening will be so different to what I have had in my head for a bloody DECADE that something is going to ruin the entire series for me, the last 200 pages of the book have some absolutely BRUTAL story developments that really made me thing the story is going to end up going in a completely different direction to what I had thought.

To be honesty I'm mostly just wondering exactly how he is going to end it in just one more book....
I'm getting this tommorow CANT WAITTT!!!!!!! The end of Gathering Storm and how it was left with Rand was fantastic and really set this all up for me.

My mate got me into this series when I was 18 so its been a good 8 years of time invested in it for me as well. I think the series died off a little 9-10 possibly even book 8 as well though that was not as disapointing as 9-10. The pick up though from Knife of Dreams has got the series almost if not at the best that it was at around Fires of Heaven time.

Brilliant series, one of, if not the, best series in fantasy ever and I have read most of the bigger series.
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