Would this be going a bit OTT? (parking related)

7 Dec 2002
I work in a very large company that employs a lot of staff, and at certain times of days it can be difficult to find a parking space in the work car park.

Now i have noticed over the past few weeks a few people have decided that they deserve 2 parking spaces and therefore park with the centre of their cars over the white line.

I was driving around the car park for 10 mins this morning looking for a space whilst this silver Astra Coupe was parked in 2 bays yet again for about the 14th day in a row and also a bright green Rover 220 Coupe with an OTT spoiler on the back doing the same.

Would it be a bit OTT for me to stick a nice note under his windscreen wiper and let all his tyres down as it REALLY is starting to annoy me in a morning :mad: :mad:

ps, how long does it take to deflate your average car tyre? :p
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