Would you change your religion for a woman?

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17 Oct 2002
Classic problem really, say you want to marry a girl and she is a different religion. If her family would want you to be baptised would you do it for her?

Or say you are christen and you have to become Muslim to marry your love.

Of course this is assuming you are not a particularly religious or devote person.
depends how strict it had to be. If I just had to say "oh I've converted to so and so" then maybe. I'm not religious, so .....dunno, probably not.

If it's a sincerely held religious view it should not be compromised like this. If it isn't, and you only pay lip service to your religion (or the new one) then it's hardly a religion you hold, but just one you say you nominally follow.
Depends on the woman and depends on how strictly I would have to follow the religion.

I was baptised a Roman Catholic but I have never actually been a practicing one, nor do I want to be.

I don't particularly mind "being" a Roman Cathlolic, so if I loved the woman enough and it was the same deal, who knows?

Although I would prefer to just defy the family. :D
Wouldn't mind either way so long as the woman knew I was "changing religion" on face value only, and that I wouldn't actually literally change my religion and views overnight.

If I was seriously expected to follow that religion, I more than likely wouldn't be with the woman in the first place, as many strictly religious people are very very selective about who they choose to have a relationship with.
Religion means nothing to me so as long as she didnt expect me to become a religious person then id be fine for it...Id get baptised if the love of my life wanted me to...

It would just be symbolic so it doesnt bother me.
I know two brothers who had mixed marriages. They were both C of E (non practising) and wanted to marry Roman Catholic girls. John went through all the prayer services, meetings etc and agreed that any children would be bought up Catholic. He is a big part of his new family though he doesn't go to church etc. The other brother Dean wouldn't go through any pre-ceremonies and now him and his wife have been shunned by the family.

i dont really believe in religion that much anymore. since i started my as religious studies course ive opened my eyes to the different views. cant really see me living my life by a set of rules for the rest of my life, and im not gonna PRETEND to be something that im not because ill probably just end up misrepresenting it.
No, it's wrong, religion is about what you do or do not belive. So it's wrong to change on account of someone else. My parents have been married for 35 years and they don't agree on religion.
actually i was gonna post something similar to this.

anyway, i doubt i would go out with anyone religious.
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