Would you ever use Bank Transfer on Gumtree?

I understand it may have been designed that way, but times change. I'm just unsure if there's any sort of protection I can get from the bank if the seller turns out to be dodgy. All conversations are recorded via text and he'll provide me proof of who he is, etc etc.

It isn't that it was designed that way - people quickly learnt the hard way what happens if you don't use that approach. Bank transfer only in person if they are prepared to meet up with the good, inspection, then if you are happy go the bank together and do it.

People who come up with the sob story about being ripped off, etc. to try and get you to use a method that gives you little comeback are more often than not dodgy.
He's now saying pay half now and half when it's received to put my mind at ease. Worst case I lose £100. Worth the risk? :rolleyes:
Amazing you even have to ask. Is this your first time using the internet this century?

If you have to ask you shouldn't be using Gumtree. Actually shouldn't be using the internet.

The answer is NO, cash on collection ONLY, like everyone apart from you seems to know.
And no, I'm not new to the internet. He seems genuine and it's really unfair to brand >everyone< that uses Gumtree that is willing to post is always going to be a scammer. I've bought from the site twice in the past, both items being posted with no issues.
You hear about scams and wonder how anyone ever falls for it but i guess we have an answer. If you need to go online to ask something like this please get someone else to have power of attorney over your finances.
OP do you want a cashless society? Then use the bank transfer.

If you understand the importance of cash, and have the relevant foresight to be able to understand the potential dangers of cashless society, then use cash, and always use cash. everywhere.
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