WoW - Anyone still play

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Out of sheer boredom I subbed and installed WoW last night. I had a VERY old twink toon (lv60) on Defius Brotherhood along with a couple of other now low level characters (80 is my main on that server).

Anyway, who still plays this and would like to join? I know it's now just a cycle of sit in town and spam the LFG tool. But oh well. Something to do.
Everythings cheap on AH, RAIDs have been nerfed and everyone's high enough ilvl to boost you.

So, what's the best way of getting to max level with decent gear? I'm using heirlooms at the moment. I did a few dungeons and went from 60-62 in less than an hour. Is there any point at all going to Outlands? Or should I just dungeon jump until 90?
Wow is between expansions atm, so it's dying down again before Septembers release of Legion

I know Blizzard are renowned for their "when it's ready" approach, but wasn't Legion meant to be released at the back end of last year? And now you're talking about September this year?

They've been talking about a yearly expansion cycle for about the last 8 years. You'd think they'd either get it right or shut up about it by now.
I know Blizzard are renowned for their "when it's ready" approach, but wasn't Legion meant to be released at the back end of last year? And now you're talking about September this year?

They've been talking about a yearly expansion cycle for about the last 8 years. You'd think they'd either get it right or shut up about it by now.

No no no no, please don't start these arguments in here. I'm asking about joining back to wow, if anyone still plays etc. Not about Blizz doing this or that. Go to the main thread if you want to argue these points.

No no no no, please don't start these arguments in here. I'm asking about joining back to wow, if anyone still plays etc. Not about Blizz doing this or that. Go to the main thread if you want to argue these points.


Get yersel back to one of the many "rejoining WoW" threads instead of starting thread 200 on the issue as well?
Lots of guilds will have lost people whilst waiting for the expansion so probably best to just look for a casual raiding guild in need of people and willing to help you.
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I'm sure you rejoined WoW a few months back and quit again shortly after?

Yea, about 6 months or something? I tried starting a new character and quickly got bored of the dungeon farming. So trying the lv 60 rogue I have.

I'll ask around for guilds etc. Thanks guys.
I've been doing the WoD raid content upto heroic with a raiding group but currently activity is near zero as it's a run-up to the next expansion and attendance has gone from 13-16 to around 5.
We're still doing mythic lol, got Xhul, Manno and Archi to down, some right potatoes in our raid team who've been carried through it all.
Hey agnes

Why are you doing this to yourself?! You sound like me at the moment, kinda in between games and just looking for something to do but have no real idea of what to play (I read your other thread in here and I feel the same these days). But WoW again, especially so soon? You didn't get on with it when you resubbed before, so why'd you go back again?

You may not remember me but we used to play BFBC2 together on the XBox many years ago (along with Big Jimmy Boi). What about something like BF4 to pass the time? I'd be happy to add you to it on the PC and have a few games if you're up for it? WoW though, unfortunately is pretty done and dusted now. I went back after the last expansion and it's just totally lost it's spark. Grinding to get anywhere in that sort of environment just isn't fun anymore. I feel mostly the same about all MMOs now.
i would start playing again if the tight gits sorted out the cost!! not like they have not made enough money already
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