WOW check this out! i want one NOW!

22 Nov 2010
hey guys, i was just searching the web about large res gaming and came across this monitor, i don't know about you but i want one! :D

it looks so cool and you wont have the 2 splits in the screen while playing, and its curved!

cant find a price for it tho or anywhere to buy it from :(
There's been curved screens out for a while now, I remember posting this picture a good while back...

2880x900? That's poor.

No thanks.
That's 320 pixels more Horizontal pixels at the price of 540 vertical pixels compared to a Hazro HZ27WD.
2592000 Pixels for a Ostendo CRVD
3686400 Pixels for a Hazro HZ27WC
Difference of 1094400 pixels. So basically you get ~70% the screenspace for a pricetag that would be similar to creating a 2 high / 3 wide videowall out of Hazro HZ27WC's including the videocard costs?
Well to be fair, I don't think current gen hardware is ready to power a ~22.1 mega pixel setup. Could be fun for displaying star charts though..
Google Shopping shows it available in the UK for £1750. Still way out of my price range, but a bit better than £5k.

If I win the lottery....
All kidding aside, do you think this kind of screen may well be commonplace in, say, 10 years time? Screens have always gone up in size over the years so it wouldn't surprise me all that much. I wouldn't mind one!

"Restrictive price and market aside - do you have any idea how thick and heavy that thing is? The majority of consumers were happy to get rid of the 'bulk' that is a 20" CRT monitor and they don't want something the size of a large air conditioning unit on their desks. As somebody else mentioned the experience itself is far from perfect (especially when using it 'on the desktop') as it isn't the equivilent of a single curved screen at all. It is a concept that is currently ahead of its time but as somebody else mentioned is something that may be filled out in the future in the form of a much thinner and more practical single curved OLED display. With any luck LG will have a 31" OLED TV in production by the end of the year and both Samsung and LG in particular plan to boost their production of 'IT line' and TV type products significantly in the coming years. The technology still needs some refinement but the right people are on the case."

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