WoW Legendary Songs

11 Feb 2006
Since the start of wrath and every time the guild helps a player get a legendary weapon, that person has to sing a song on the spot with little or no practice. Just a fun reward to the others that helped this single person get a nice reward.

I was wondering if there are any guilds that do something fun when a player gets a legendary whether it be singing or another silly thing.

Here is what I'm talking about:

We have 16 singers so far, for you non WoW players, what do you think of the idea? It takes up to 24 other people to help 1 person get a Legendary weapon, is making that special person sing a special song a nice return? :D
I take it they get to read the lyrics like Karaoke?

Sounds a novel idea, if the looter isn't too self conscience to worry about the world hearing their attempts to sing. But if I was one of the helpers I think I would go make a coffee to save my ears ;)
I tried to get our GM make every new member sing a song but it wasn't received as a good idea. :p

Keep up the good work on Twisting Nether (where I play also :p)
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