WOW - Warrior shooting a bow?



18 Jan 2003
Hi there as some of you know I have recently started WOW.

I am now a LVL 12 warrior and have just bough the bow skill.

I have got a decent bow. but my fire speed is rubbish.on the shoot bow skill in my skill bar along the bottom it says 2.36 sec cooldown, is there anyway to improve this?

it depends on the speed of your bow, if you check out the bow stats, it should have a speed. You can get bows that are faster i believe, however they usually have less dps (damage per second). Just look for the bow with the most dps. Warriors dont use ranged combat very much just to pull enemies so i wouldnt worry too much
i wouldnt worry about it, there only purpose is to allow you to pull mobs without agroing the whole group, even then that will depend how close it is to another 1.
2.36 is fairly ok tbh, its only ment as a backup weapon for pulling and finishing off running mobs really so dont expect miracles from it :) no classes can use guns/bows weapons as well as a hunter
<De@thW!sh> said:
i wouldnt worry about it, there only purpose is to allow you to pull mobs without agroing the whole group, even then that will depend how close it is to another 1.

and +hp stats later on to aid tanking.
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