Wrote off my SV650, almost wrote off my leg

Eek, Participant. I'm glad you're getting through it at a good pace.

I'm also glad that we mostly seem able to be honest in here about our mistakes/decisions. As Incredibly Tall Paul mentioned, the honesty/truth is what will help the rest of us learn and hopefully avoid having to post such naked selfies ;).

On my daily commute there's such a regular queue down a hill, broken hatching in the middle, 40 zone. I tend to trundle down at 20mph but I'm recalling that when traffic coming the other way frees up I have recently started getting a bit eager and flinging it down to the bottom of the hill at a good pace.

I shall stop this!
Griffo;30493032 said:
On my daily commute there's such a regular queue down a hill, broken hatching in the middle, 40 zone. I tend to trundle down at 20mph but I'm recalling that when traffic coming the other way frees up I have recently started getting a bit eager and flinging it down to the bottom of the hill at a good pace.

I shall stop this!

+1! There is a stretch of rode where I've found myself filtering a bit faster than is perhaps sensible. I'll rein that in a bit now.
Ouch! But that could have been so much worse.
I'm glad you're still upright - well, figuratively - and not just another statistic.

Be safe out there people.
Hope the recovery isn't going too badly. This saddens me; your SV was pretty much identical to mine when I bought it :(
Thanks, nice bike! :'( I loved my SV especially after all the little improvements I'd made to it. I miss it loads (and biking in general for that matter!).

Recovery is going pretty well. I'm mostly moving around without crutches now. Leg muscles are pathetic but getting stronger.

The critical parts of the recovery are out of my control though, ie bony union and infection avoidance.
Well it's almost 5 months since my RTA and time for an update.

I've just got back from an appointment with the consultant (the one that physically nailed my leg and who, by the way - if this isn't too sexist - was outrageously attractive) at the orthoplastics clinic at University Hospital Coventry.

Bony union is progressing well, which I was pretty worried about. I've ditched the crutches and am more mobile and in less pain each day. Feeling good about prognosis, but they did tell me that sometimes people with open fractures in the 80s present with osteomyelitis (bone infection). Great! So I'll never be fully in the clear in that regard.

There'll always be reduced sensation in parts of my legs, but it won't affect functionality, which looks like it should substantively recover, barring some flexibility in my toes. And hey, I still have two legs, and quite a few people in the waiting room unfortunately did not.

While I was there, I got some more images of the injury and x-rays for those that are interested.

Tibia / fibula X-ray when I arrived in A&E after the accident:


Tibia / fibula X-ray after fixation (x-ray taken today; evidence of good progress towards callus formation and bony union):


My leg when I'd just arrived in A&E...be warned, this is probably the nastiest image. Mods - I'm posting this on the basis that it's in the interest of biker safety, but if you feel it's a step too far then I completely understand. Only click if you are not going to be upset by a bloody leg at a funny angle :p.


I've been back at work since 3rd Jan and walking without crutches for 2 months now.

I can walk fairly well but cannot yet jog, though it's something the physios say I should start to try.

The emotional impact on my family has been far greater than I could have imagined, especially my wife. It's also not nice for your own kids to be visibly distressed by the sight of daddy's leg.

Police and insurance investigations have been concluded, but it's not wise to comment at this stage :).

The physio continues and I'm lucky that there's a physiotherapist and gym at work, so I'm getting some good treatment all round.

Not that they'll read this, but the staff at the University Hospital Coventry / Walsgrave are a very clever bunch and have my eternal gratitude for saving my leg.
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Ooof! Glad you're on the mend matey. I was just going to take a bite of some chinese before I clicked that pic. Think I'll stick it in the microwave for later.
And the bike?

Glad to see you're on the mend dude. Hopefully a bit longer will habe you kickstarting a Thumper!
^ Lol, no problem NooBish AbbZ...

Correction to the above by the way - the image of my leg hanging off was in fact in the ambulance. You can see the shelves very close to my leg on the right, which aren't a feature of an A&E bed...

The other reason I realised that this image is from the ambulance and not A&E, is that my leg is still at an angle. Shortly after that photo was taken, they straightened it (in the ambulance) to improve circulation and save my leg, as they noticed my foot was going white. That part was terrible and possibly more painful than the initial impact.

As for every day life, my leg hurts to some degree or another whenever I walk, in particular in the mornings or when I first stand up after sitting or lying, and I keep getting a little bleeding bit on my free flap donor leg. First thing in the morning is particularly bad and very stiff.

Mowing the lawns seems to particularly affect me, I guess because I'm pushing rather than just walking.

I get some tingling and hypersensitivity in my left foot, which still 'slaps' a bit when I walk.

I watched some tibial nailing videos on YouTube last night and I just find it absolutely amazing. The whole thing made me want to re-train as a doctor / surgeon.

The legal part will take another 18 months or so, as they have to wait approx 2 years to understand long term prognosis.

Coming home from work this evening there was a huge traffic jam (bridge jumper on M40 causing closure if anyone else experienced it), and with dozens of bikers going past, all I could think about was how much I want to get back on a bike.
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