Xbox 360 3 Red Lights of Death Fix

most fixes ive tried work for a few hours and then die again

although hard drives on the other hand, banging them clicks the reader heads back in, worked for me 3 times on hard drive mp3 players
da_mic_1530 said:
most fixes ive tried work for a few hours and then die again

although hard drives on the other hand, banging them clicks the reader heads back in, worked for me 3 times on hard drive mp3 players

Wow, I don't think I would have the balls to do that to an mp3 player for example.
Durzel said:
Well if its knackered and out of warranty what choice do you have? :)
indeed and if the slap doesnt fix it i cant see it doing too much more damage, im talking about a sharp slap not repeated beatings to the thing
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