Xbox 360 artifacting

28 Dec 2004
I bought my 360 just before the new year, today it's started artifacting after about 30 minutes or so in PGR3, it's roasting round the back of the console too. It's well ventilated so I'm suspecting one of the fans may have died or something. Trouble is, I phoned Game who've told me that I have to go direct to Microsoft, I queried it with them and tried to insist that my contract was with them surely but she still insisted, I then tried Microsoft and after queueing was told that someone would call me back, which so far hasn't happened. Is there anything I can do?
Game ARE responsible. Next time, go into the store and ask for their head office phone number. Phone them as you are stood at the counter, you'll soon get satisfaction.
Bernard said:
Game ARE responsible. Next time, go into the store and ask for their head office phone number. Phone them as you are stood at the counter, you'll soon get satisfaction.

I take it their head office is aware of each store being responsible? If so I might give their head office a ring and see if I can get them to ring the store directly, or at a pinch get their name and get the store to ring. I'd rather not run up my mobile phone bill through Games incompetence.
Cuchulain said:
I take it their head office is aware of each store being responsible? If so I might give their head office a ring and see if I can get them to ring the store directly, or at a pinch get their name and get the store to ring. I'd rather not run up my mobile phone bill through Games incompetence.

Under the sales of goods act , the contract is between the retailer and the customer.

Just sounds like they are trying to fob you off, so they don't have to replace the unit out of their own stock.

I'd personally phone the head office while your in the store. Just asking for the number as you have your phone out may kick them into suddenly remembering your rights.
Bernard said:
Under the sales of goods act , the contract is between the retailer and the customer.

Just sounds like they are trying to fob you off, so they don't have to replace the unit out of their own stock.

I'd personally phone the head office while your in the store. Just asking for the number as you have your phone out may kick them into suddenly remembering your rights.

Heh, cool. I might print out the relevant section of the SOG act and take it with me too.
there is a link in one of the other threads with the relevant SOG parts, think it was Virii who terrified them into submission!
VIRII said:
Game are legally obliged to refund or replace it for you.
This link details the key points for your legal rights. Sheets/page24700.html

Some game staff are under the impression that you have to deal with MS.
They are wrong.
Some game staff think that you aren't entitled to a refund.
They are wrong.

If you get any problems whatsoever ring their head office, tell them that you are unhappy that the staff are not honouring your consumer rights under the Sale of goods act and that you want immediate replacement. If that fails speak to trading standards.
Head office are there on a Saturday and the number is on the back of the receipt.
TBH, if I wanted to take something back, I would like him with me... ;)

Honestly, its amazing the amount of rights you have and most people are not even aware of them.
Bit of an update to this thread, I haven't switched on the 360 much since it was artifacting, tried it again today and it started showing them in the Table Tennis demo and it's also showing a black screen every few minutes (for a few seconds) then jumping back to the game.

I've hit a snag with the whole Game thing as my missus (the official receipt keeper) has lost the receipt, what can I do?

Cuchulain said:
I've hit a snag with the whole Game thing as my missus (the official receipt keeper) has lost the receipt, what can I do?


If you paid by credit card, ask them to check their records.

Otherwise, and I could be very wrong here, I think you will have to go to Microsoft.
Memphis said:
If you paid by credit card, ask them to check their records.

Otherwise, and I could be very wrong here, I think you will have to go to Microsoft.

I gave MS a call, they're picking it up on Tuesday and whipping it away for a repair, what worries me is that the problem is intermittant and I'll end up with it being sent back with no fault found, not really such a problem as I'm not paying the postage I guess.
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