Xbox 360 Over G Fighters

9 Nov 2003
After getting this on pre-order for around £24 I can't wait, it looks like the old Ace Combat series on the playstation and the G-Lock games on the megadrive.

I really am looking foreward to this title, yet I do not hear anybody else making a stir about it!

So go on, who else is awaiting this; can't just be me!?

(Yes I am still enjoying Fifa 2006 WC more than Pro Evo 4!)

Release date is 30th of June incase you were wondering.
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Sure thing!

I am limited to work around my parents for the console as I got it for them to use as much as me, but if your around from 11pm+ I am usually able to game. :p

Not taken it online, its a EA game so will expect issues!

Its just a arcade flight sim game, details are few and far between but it looks fun and for £24 I thought why ever not.

Will let people know how I find it, may be a good blast as I find Blazing Angels quite boring really.
Says its online enabled yes!

It just seems like it will be a laugh to play, and maybe not as repetative as Blazing Angels.

The graphics look passable, but I do not really care about them as long as the FPS is high enough. :)
May I ask where it was up for £24 pre-order? Got it on pre-order myself for £25.38 (went via HMV with a £3 off voucher and will get £1.62 back via
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Yewen said:
HMV with 20% off and some other stuff. :)

I'm happy enough to leave things as they are. Hope that it's at least half decent and not a complete flop.
Yeh me to, it shows some real promise on the WOW GREAT FUN side of things.

Doubt it will have much depth, but you don't really expect it of a game of this type.
Isnt this game already released in Japan, :confused: I think I read its under a different name though,, im gonna go for this with the hmv voucher,,, hold on! i got £5 discount on my game points card and they are doing an extra £5 for using their new name in discount box,, hope I can use both together :) ##off to try my luck##
Yewen said:
Game have it for £40, unless your still on about HMV.

:( yeah your right,, i stupidly thought it would be the same price as HMV £29.99 and id get a tenner off using points and a discount code,, I totally forgot Game like to add 30% on top then give you 10% discount for being loyal customers, great deal game :rolleyes:,,lol.. Oh well back to HMV then I think the 20% off ends tonight,,,
Yeh it ends in a couple of hours so you will have to get in quick, this game is the only super deal that they have for the 360 mind. :(

Would not have minded Ridge Racer 6 cheap aswell.
Done,, :) hope its good, ive been waiting for a good jet fighter game ever since I saw top gun,, ''goose, GOOSE'', ''you got one on your tail, 6 oclock'',,lol,, cant remember the other guys nick names,, val kilmer wasnt it???

World airforce,, is this the same game,jap version???? :confused:
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Well I requested my first pre-order to be cancelled. The 20% off + Quidco gives a better discount than my £3 off + Quidco order.
What's the verdict on this then? I just saw a quick feature in some magazine but they reckoned it wasn't much cop.
It is not out yet so no idea. :p

I never listen to reviews for anything, most of them don't have the same opinions as me.

I will force my opinion upon people when I get it. :D
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