Xbox 360, Pc and Monitor Noob Question!

27 Oct 2005
Auckland, New Zealand
This may be a very Noob question but......

At the minute my set up is my PC and XBOX 360 into my Belinea 102035W 20.1 monitor.
So what would happen if i was to switch both my Pc and xbox on at the same time? Ive not tried or anything yet because i dont want to knacker my monitor up? (Just incase)!

Im asking because ive seen this that i want to buy when it comes out
and obviously you'll have to have both your PC and XBOX on at the same time to transfer?

Any comments will be good!
It won't break your monitor. It will boot into whatever source was chosen last if both systems are already on and there should be a button to switch between sources.
does the belinea have an input switch/ button? if not go into the interface and it should say the inputs available, and you can switch between, i am only asuming it has this function, please tell me how you get along because i am looking at buying this monitor too!
Booner! said:
does the belinea have an input switch/ button? if not go into the interface and it should say the inputs available, and you can switch between, i am only asuming it has this function, please tell me how you get along because i am looking at buying this monitor too!

Ive just tried it now and what you can do on the menu screen on the monitor is switch from PC and XBOX360 when they are both switched on! well you learn something new everyday! :)
p.s. just incase you didnt know this monitor is absolute class for the 360!
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